in GEMS3 years ago


I am intrigued by the concept of making and investing money. It has been my obsession for the past few months. I've learned a few things in the past few months that have changed my mindset and I just want to share some of my thoughts on the issue.


I love making money. I used to think I didn't have enjoy making money but I have learned otherwise. It is a dopamine-filled venture that can engulf your entire existence.

I used to wonder how people would sit in front of their screens trailing charts and finding good buying and selling positions, and this whole experience encapsulated their entire life. It seems quite banal to me.

However, taking a deeper look into it and understanding the psychology behind making money, it is quite obvious to me why most people would follow such a path. It explains why someone like Elon Musk with all the billions he has still pushes himself to achieve greater things in the field of engineering.

It is more than just the money. It is the feeling.

It is the drive to surpass your previous achievable because it is doable. A month ago I was only dreaming about pushing my portfolio to a thousand dollars. Now it's above two thousand thousand and I am thinking why not ten thousand.

Greed you may say and you might be right. I am totally fine with this greed as long as it doesn't lead me down the road of get-rich-quick schemes and whatnot

Making your first million is hard. However, making your second million is easier.

There is no doubt that money begets money. This is why the rich keep getting richer. Their money keep earning more money and it compounds and grows exponentially to the point the average person begins to doubt its legitimacy.


This is the sweet spot. This is in the unchartered territory where many never venture into because they are ill-formed.

Most of us were never taught about investing in school. All through the various academic stages of our lives, we were thought to prepare for the labour market.

Unfortunately for most of us, we discovered that there wasn't much in terms of demand for labour. Mechanisms and AI are taking over. Now entrepreneurship is being forced upon us and barely anyone knows what they ought to do. We don't know how money works or invest it.

We've been taught to work for money and save it--a portion of it. The best we can do in terms of investing is having a crappy pension plan.

Fortunately for me, I discovered crypto. Yet, I was still very much confused and still saw money only as a means of exchange rather than a means to create wealth.

My mindset has changed over the last two months. I am moving from a place of darkness to a place of light. I am moving from just wanting to make money but also investing money.

It is turning out to be a wonderful experience. I have not had to sacrifice so much. It's all about understanding when to delay gratification and when to take action and reinforce your mind in a positive way.

I have realized that it isn't that difficult to change one's life. We can be anything we want to be if we are willing to do the work. Learning how to invest your money is one of them.


My mindset has changed over the last two months. I am moving from a place of darkness to a place of light.

That's the "money quote." From darkness to light. Kind of reminds me of that scene in The Matrix Reloaded, where the Merovingian describes the woman eating that piece of cake he created. Wondering what is happening, "how can this be?" as the realization takes over that something has changed.

I went through the same thing a few years ago and am glad I stuck with it, now here on Hive and Leofinance. Keep Going! :)


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

the beautiful thing is how this is far too easy. all one needs is the right mindset which consists of being patient and being informed. i am glad my orientation is changing and hopefully, this counts for something.

thank you for stopping by. hopefully, you stop by next time. cheers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Money makes the world go round, money makes ...

so it seems my it seems

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Money makes money, and money goes where its treated well. The wealthy will likely always earn a lot more wealthy from owning business and investments that return surplus to be invested again. Changing your mindset from money to wealth is a big step I had to take.

Money is usually the focus when you start, but as you move along, it becomes about having enough wealth to do what you want, like Elon Musk does. It doesn't matter he has a ton of wealth, he wants to build Tesla, and the Boring company, and Space X - all interests for him.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Money makes money, and money goes where its treated well.

this is one of my favorite money quotes.

The wealthy will likely always earn a lot more wealthy from owning business and investments that return surplus to be invested again.

this is true. this is why I feel the rage the wealthy is misplaced. most people don't do well with their money.

Money is usually the focus when you start, but as you move along, it becomes about having enough wealth to do what you want

money only becomes a means to an end in the long run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A wise man once said, if you work all day, you won't have time to make money. Investing is the real leverage in the end, as the cashflow is towards you, even when you sleep.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

true that! for me, the goal is to get to that level where my money does most of the work and not the other way around. hopefully, I will get there soon.