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RE: Can you Walk like a Bermudian?

in GEMS3 years ago

If I hit the lottery, I would love to go. However that will be rough as I have not bought a ticket in a year now lol.

Perhaps I am best served seeing a bit more of this fine land. Not to mention I have enough chores and projects to last me 2 lifetimes more at this point.

I am hearing the sea calling you. I believe you can sail as soon as July perhaps. I will greet you an early bon voyage!


If I hit the lottery, I would love to go. However that will be rough as I have not bought a ticket in a year now lol.

I do not even buy lottery tickets, but cryptocurrencies are similar to lottery. Actually they are much better than lottery. You have a much better chance to win with crypto than with lottery. By the way, I would also gladly visit Bermuda, if I would have the necessary/required money for it.

I believe July is the correct date I shared with you, however, I won't be cruising anytime soon. My agenda is back on the National Parks, all over again. I am sure I will be seeing them with different eyes than I did the first time. I have always loved the Bryce Canyon/Antelope Valley or hiking on sandstone ledges, like Angels Landing. Yikes. That is one scary hike, maybe I will take it down a notch and stay away from Angels Landing. They don't call it that for nothing.

I kid of course. I am no mountain goat and I'm pretty sure my climbing shoes haven't been put on my feet since Colorado, so I will be feeling more grounded without them. ;))

Thanks for the early greetings, sending me off. An early good-bye to you!