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RE: Don't Wanna be Last Guy to Leave The Party : Mastering Prioritization

in GEMS2 years ago

What matters most is building something that lasts.

It is good and well to let loose sometimes, especially when you can during the weekends. It is good because unwinding when necessary is important for our mental wellbeing, thinking process, and functionality in general.

I am in my 20s, but I am not the one to spend hours, or any time at all, partying. However, the analogy is very much applicable to life.

This is the time to build, and one should build. There will come a time when what you have built is what you will stand upon, as it will be a rock foundation that will see one through.

Investing time to build is never easy, but it is important that one does do it. One should focus on what matters.

Thanks for sharing. I came from Dreemport.


Hi @olujay ,

This is the time to build, and one should build. There will come a time when what you have built is what you will stand upon, as it will be a rock foundation that will see one through.

it's nice to know that you found this by yourself and also great mindset you have there.
my pleasure dear fellow dreemer