Lemon Flowers | My Photography Collection |

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Lemon is a kind of standard thing. Roses are open at the lemon tree before lemon. Lemon is made after treatment of male blossoms and female sprouts. Contaminations of lemon trees are filtered through by honey bees and ants.



Sprouts of lemon at any rate not utilized. Individuals use lemon as a trademark thing. Regardless, there are a comparative number of beneficial trees on earth. The entirety of the trees bloom before the normal thing. Arrangement is finished by honey bees or bugs. After that comes the trademark thing.


Lemon is a herbaceous plant. Lemons are open all through the entire year. There are different groupings of lemons, little and gigantic. Lemon is a sweet taste. The sprouts of the lemon tree are perfect and wonderful. These sprouts are white to take a gander at. The lemon blossom has 5 petals. The purpose of assembly of the lemon blossom is yellow in covering. It has the smell of lemon blossoms. Its smell is locks in. Anybody will like it.



In the event that sickness causes lemon blossoms or leaves on the face, queasiness can leave.



Lemon trees can be made on any earth. All things considered, the size of the dirt is near nothing. Lemon improvement requires a little exertion. Water is routinely given at the lemon tree. Treat. It is copied with lemon seeds.

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This kind of delicious food is my favorite. I eat a lot of it. Although overeating is bad for my health, I like to eat a little more of these foods..

yes, this food bad for my health

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Thank you

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