Swimming with Jack

in GEMS4 years ago

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Jack and I in front of Crowne Plaza

So Jack and I now have a new favourite spot to swim - in front of the 4 Star Crowne Plaza Hotel.

You can see on the right of the photograph some people climbing down some steps. It's really nice as you cross the pebbles on some sandbags and then the water is nice and deep - and clean.

It's also just a tad closer for us when Jack is in a hurry to get back to his programming. This is almost every time - and he rarely relaxes for long.

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He brought his go-pro with him so that we could get some shots in the water.

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Crowne Plaza to the right and in the distance the building called The One - and further in the distance The Trilogy

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No, that's not the leaning tower of Piza

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Going to miss the summer

Meanwhile back at home - Zara enjoying a rare cuddle with Noah.

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And, in hunting mode

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What would life be like without Zara? She rules


did Zara ever bite you?

Yes, bit me and scratched me but she's not so bad now. I keep pointing my finger at her and saying "no biting - no scratching" - she's much better now as she gets older. Do you have a cat?

Wow! The pictures are wonderful and Zara in the last photo is incredible! Why don't you make a new post with it as the front picture?

Yes, maybe I will. I haven't written a post about Zara in a while now