Mi Presentación en Hive Blog / My Presentation

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)


¡ Hola ! querida comunidad de HIVE, hoy por fin pude registrarme en esta gran comunidad, donde puedo aprender, compartir, interactuar con muchas personas. Y entusiasmada al ver que una de mis mejores amigas @razielmorales pertenece a tan maravillosa comunidad que permite mostrar y compartir diversas habilidades.

Reveal spoiler

Hello ! dear HIVE community, today I was finally able to register in this great community, where I can learn, share, interact with many people. And excited to see that one of my best friends @razielmorales belongs to such a wonderful community that allows them to show and share various skills.


Les comento un poco sobre mi: me llamo Paola Rodriguez soy venezolana tengo 22 años de edad estudiante de educación inicial en el Pedagógico Libertador ( UPEL ) soy madre de un hermoso y travieso hijo de 4 años. Tengo una hermosa conformada por mis padres mi hermana y mi abuela.

I will tell you a little about myself: my name is Paola Rodriguez, I am Venezuelan, I am 22 years old, an initial education student at the Pedagogical Liberator (UPEL), I am the mother of a beautiful and naughty 4-year-old son. I have a beautiful one made up of my parents, my sister and my grandmother.


Siendo mi madre mi pilar mas importante y mi ejemplo a seguir, una excelente madre, abuela y docente, muy querida por sus estudiantes.

My mother being my most important pillar and my example to follow, an excellent mother, grandmother and teacher, very loved by her students.


Aprender a aprender, es mi día a día desde que soy madre, y cuando uno es madre es también enfermera, cocinera, repostera, costurera pare de contar... y mas aun en estos tiempos de cuarentena con tanto tiempo libre he descubierto y puesto en practica habilidades que estaban dormida en mi ser. Las cuales espero compartir con ustedes y que sean de su total agrado. Recibiendo con agrado y respeto su opinión.

Learning to learn, it is my day to day since I am a mother, and when one is a mother is also a nurse, cook, pastry chef, seamstress, stop counting ... and even more so in these times of quarantine with so much free time I have discovered and put in practice skills that were asleep in my being. Which I hope to share with you and that they are to your total liking. Welcoming and respecting your opinion.


Me despido de ustedes, no sin antes etiquetar a los administradores de esta gran comunidad @appreciator @rocky1 @upmewhale.

I say goodbye to you, but not before tagging the administrators of this great community @appreciator @rocky1 @upmewhale.


Welcome paovaler03!
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Hello! This is @riverflows from the OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

There's so many communities I think you'd enjoy posting within - it's a really good way to connect with people. For a list of primary OCD supported communities, check out this post, and for a full list of communities, check here. You might like Foodies Bee Hive or HomeEdders, about educating children at home - relevant during these home isolation times! Have fun!

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.