in GEMS8 months ago

It is a great wisdom to prepare for the worst moment. Nobody wants worst situation or occurrences, but often we discovered that they are inevitable. Wise people do not only look at the positive aspect of things, they consider the negatives as well. That is why great inventors plan and invent safety devices in case of worst or unexpected hazards. Wise people believe that there may be outbreak of diseases, aeroplanes may crash land, there may be businesses hazards or failure, untimely death may occur, there may be unexpected bullet attack, ship may sink, boats may capsize, strong competitors may arise etc. These are worse and unexpected occurrences. So wise people make prior plans not to be submerged in case of such events. Here we shall examine some of these developments in preparation for whatever worst occurence.

Development of parachute

A parachute is a gadget used to slow down the movement of human being or an object through the atmosphere by making drag. A significant application is to help individuals, for diversion or as a security gadget for pilots or crew members, who can exit from an airplane at level and drop securely to the earth in case of any emergency.


Development of vaccine

Based on the premise that there could be outbreak of diseases and epidemics, wise inventors develop various vaccines to prevent or to reduce the strength of such epidemics. This is done through immunizing people.
Vaccine is a substance that is used to boost the body's defenses against disease. Immunizations are generally administered through needle infusions, yet some can be dropped into the mouth or put through the nose.


Bullet proof items

Having a sudden bullet shot is one of the worst things that could happen to someone, whether and intentional or stray bullet, especially for someone in an honourable position. To this end inventors have devised a means of safeguarding the lives of people, for military personnel as well as honoured people in the society to put on bullet proof for protection against any bullet attack. A bullet proof is an item which is capable of resisting or absorbing the impact of a bullet.


Life jacket

A life jacket is a sleeveless buoyant or inflatable jacket for keeping a person afloat in water. It is designed to save people from drowning by holding them up whenever there is a storm or ship mishap.


Insurance coverage

The goal of insurance is to compensate the policy holders who suffer loss from the pool. It is means of safeguarding people from suffering total loss from any hazards being exposed to. It is a means of sharing the burden of losses on several people who are policy holders.



The wisdom behind airbag is the premise that there could be accident or any emergency inside a vehicle at any time. An airbag is a vehicle inhabitant restriction framework utilizing a sack intended to blow up very rapidly, then, at that point, immediately collapse during an impact. It is a bag made of flexible fabric, an inflation module, and an impact sensor. The motivation behind the airbag is to furnish a vehicle inhabitant with delicate padding and limitation during a crash. It can diminish wounds between the thrashing inhabitant of the vehicle.


Wise deduction

Faith and positive thinking believes that things will get better, that there will not be accident, gunshot,mishap drowning or any negative occurrences, but wisdom should think of eventualities, the negatives, the worsts and make plans to avert or reduce the effects.

Thanks for going through this piece. @pastormike


these are pretty wise examples of being prepared both metaphorically and in real life, one can never know what is thrown at them until it hits in a way, thanks for sharing this enlightening read 😊