Moai sculpture - brick carving

in GEMS2 years ago (edited)

Today something completely different:


I found this piece of brick lying around and already knew what to do with it.

I am fascinated by the art of South America and Pacific Rim. Easter Island in particular.

it took about an hour to make it. It took half an hour to clean the mess in garage after :)
lots of dust. Oh boy... My wife's car changed color. She hadn't seen it yet.
But I expect to hear from her any moment now.






wow well done! Amazing that it just took you 1 hour

@tipu curate

Thank you! Well, this kind of brick is relatively soft. It is like a plaster of pairs on bubbles. You can carve it with a regular knives. So it is a nice material to exprezz yo self :)

Wow... How did you manage to do that?
You are a great artist @piotrgrafik.
You definitely have a new fan. I love your posts!

Sculpting and scraping, scraping and smoothing:) Thanks for kind words, man!

Hola que tal, de verdad que si sabias que hacer con ese ladrillo, en verdad eres todo un artista.
Me encanto el resultado final, te felicito de veras.
Seria interesante ver un video corto de como haces el trabajo. Feliz Domingo.

Felicitaciones, ha logrado un gran éxito en poco tiempo. Tu talento ha hablado...

Realmente maravilloso muy hermosas tus esculturas parecen reales, que materiales usaste para la fabricación

Utilicé un pedazo de tal ladrillo:
Material muy agradable para tallar

Gracias mi amigo es usted muy amable