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RE: What I Have Learned In 2020 Pt 1 (Coffee Talk) | Pix Vlogs Ep 39

in GEMS3 years ago

Thank you, my dear cherished friend. :) Yes, it's pretty amazing how all of this comes in full circle. When we let GO of those expectations or what we think things should look like, that is when the things we want will come to us. Sometimes it may not be in the form we expect it, too, & all I can say is thank God for that! :)

Hopes are not bad to have, but when we depend on them to give us happiness, it can fall short of what we are looking for. Happiness is an inside job so once we start recognizing that, that's when the magic's an easy concept in itself but difficult to implement until we get out of our own way sometimes lol.

Thank you so much for watching & being the awesome support you always are. The second part is uploading now so it will be up soon. ;) 💚