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RE: Chill & Relax , Playing with Gigi || She is becoming my friend - Weekend Vlog

in GEMS4 years ago

What a beautiful video! I loved it. Gigi gets cuter by the day & with your beautiful energy, this was a fun watch! :) I am glad she's bringing you happiness. It's amazing what the love of an animal can do. :)

I subscribed to your YouTube channel, too! Yay! Have a great start of the week, girl, and keep smiling. Sending love & #pixiedust 💚


I guess I have taken the right decision adopting Gigi because somehow I feel she changed my life a lot. She helps to change my mood, uplift my soul and I think that's only an innocent animal can do.

Thank you so much dear for watching and subscribing to my channel, it means a lot....