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RE: Greenhouse Goodies In August

in GEMS4 years ago

Wow, look at all that cool stuff! You've got quite a few things we've never tried before. The damn squirrels keep stealing what's left of our tomatoes that the caterpillars don't eat, but we've at least gotten some of the green ones to try to ripen inside. I wonder if we'd have better luck if we could build a hoop house for some better protection for them. I just bought my first watermelon at the farmers market today. Seems like not a lot of farmers are growing them here anymore, so it will be a gift to slice into. Your cantaloupes look great and I'm sure will be delicious, too. Yum all around!


Squirrels stealing tomatoes? Fortunately (??), we don't have too many of those here, so my tomatoes are safe 😁


Caught in the act. 😂