Goodbye, Captain Beloved.

in GEMS4 years ago


Captain accompanied us "since before he was born" because he was a little dog of the street threatened with death (a threat that they tried to carry out, running him over with total premeditation).

The truth is that our Captain was run over and my brother, who saw everything, took him in his arms and took him to the vet. The doctor said that he would not be saved and he was hospitalized for 5 days. He insisted on euthanizing him, because he did not see well. Besides being mined by fleas and ticks when my brother picked him up.


In the face of this lack of hope from the doctor, we were annoyed and said no, he deserved a chance. And so we did.

Five days after his accident, he was discharged with a clean, flea-free leg in a cast; with his tick treatment and his pain medication. Captain, he was practically born again.

We adopted the doggie and called him "Captain."

For 11 and a half years it was our company and my comfort, when Dad died and my refuge when Mom died. Capi was my joy.

He was always by my side. Always. I know he was a happy dog, very loved and very cared for.

I think he was, by far, the best behaved little dog on the planet. And without a doubt, the dog with the best character in the universe. He believed that everyone was his friend. He got along with everyone, pets and people; he was in love with the human race and any species of animal that crossed his path.

But Captain had cancer. First he had a tumour in his belly, then in his back and he had already had one in his mouth three times. Every time he was operated on. But it came out in another part of his body. The last tumor in his mouth was the one that really hurt. The doctor told me he had metastases. And I didn't want to see him suffer.

This morning, when the vet arrived, he (who spent the whole day lying next to me, while I was working) got up to greet him, wagging his tail. When the vet was putting in the euthanasia line, he was lying there, still, with no one to hold him down, watching everything the doctor did.

He was a sweetheart to the last breath. He went with me to his side rubbing his head and dismissing him without drama (although inside, I wanted to scream).

The vet assures me that I made the best decision; that I did the right thing: his body was already invaded by metastasis. And even though I wanted to do what I could to save his life, I know I was tired of going on.

Farewell, my beloved Cap. You were an angel forever.

I will always love you. Thank you for joining me and loving me. You were wonderful until your last breath.

Rest in peace, dear doggie.





Con el apoyo de la familia.

Gracias mi familia querida!

Lo siento mucho uno ama a estos pequeños demasiado, se vuelven familia, siempre nos preguntamos si hay un cielo para las mascotas. Un abrazo @purrix apoyado el #toptres del día.

Bonita y triste historia.
La compañía y fidelidad de los caninos son constantes

Nuestras mascotas son nuestros compañeros de lucha ante las adversidades. Nunca nos abandonan.
Tomas te la mejor decisión