in GEMS4 years ago

Hola comunidad hive, hoy les escribo para contarles de un pueblito que llego a mi vida como parte del destino y digo así porque al conocer a mi esposa y saber que ella vivía ahí, este logro convertirse en punto clave en mis días libres. Este pueblito es llamado TACARIGUA, y ustedes se preguntaran a que se debe su particular nombre, pues yo también quise saber y me di a la tarea de indagar dentro de los pobladores recibiendo como respuesta que ese nombre fue colocado por las personas que hacían vida allí ya que en las orillas del mar siempre varaba un palo llamado tacarigua y de ahí decidieron bautizarlo con ese nombre.
Hello community hive, today I write to tell you about a little town that came into my life as part of destiny and I say this because knowing my wife and knowing that she lived there, this achievement became a key point in my days off. This little town is called TACARIGUA, and you may wonder why it is called that way, because I also wanted to know and I started to investigate among the people who lived there and I received the answer that this name was given by the people who lived there, because on the seashore there was always a stick called tacarigua and that's why they decided to name it that way.

Este pueblito es pequeño y geográficamente se encuentra ubicado en el estado Sucre (Venezuela), específicamente municipio Cruz Salmerón Acosta, Tacarigua es un caserío muy pintoresco, sus costas son bañadas por el mar caribe, haciendo de este una población en su mayoría de pescadores aunque muchos de ellos también son profesionales.
This small town is geographically located in the state of Sucre (Venezuela), specifically in the municipality of Cruz Salmerón Acosta, Tacarigua is a very picturesque village, its coasts are bathed by the Caribbean Sea, making this a population mostly of fishermen although many of them are also professionals.

Al llegar a él es indiscutible no admirar su hermoso paisaje y quedarse contagiado de sus historias, pues todos los días siempre hay cosas que contar por sus habitantes y muchos de ellos han pasado a ser personajes emblemáticos de dicha comunidad. Mis visitas allí, suelen ser algo corta por mi trabajo y ahora totalmente difícil por la cuarentena mundial y yo la extraño mucho.
When you arrive at this place, it is unquestionable not to admire its beautiful scenery and to be infected by its stories, because every day there are always things to be told by its inhabitants and many of them have become emblematic characters of this community. My visits there are usually short because of my work and now totally difficult because of the world quarantine and I miss it very much.

Para mi este es un sitio de relajamiento, puedo pasar hora admirando el mar y su tranquilidad, eso me transforma, me carga de energía positiva para cuando me toca regresar a casa siento que llego como nuevo.
For me this is a place of relaxation, I can spend hours admiring the sea and its tranquility, that transforms me, it charges me with positive energy so that when it's my turn to go home I feel like I've arrived as good as new.

Yo soy una persona amante del buen paisaje y si se trata del mar más aun, aunque en esta cuarentena no pueda visitarlo y ustedes tampoco, pensé que sería una buena idea describírselo y presentárselo a través de estas hermosas imágenes que yo tome en una de mis últimas visitas a él, espero les guste. Saludos….
I am a person who loves good landscapes and if it is the sea even more, although in this quarantine I cannot visit it and neither can you, I thought it would be a good idea to describe it to you and present it to you through these beautiful images that I took on one of my last visits to it, I hope you like it. Greetings...


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Welcome sorry I missed your into so that’s why I come to this blog the other one is past pay out. Welcome to the Hive movement and blockchain. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise. But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !
I use Peakd to post to Hive. But hive.blog is an option too.
Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, newbies exposure in the beginning very important.
Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord
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Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie

¡Bienvenido a la comunidad Hive @raulcr88!
Esperamos sinceramente que encuentre todo lo que está buscando y que haya encontrado un nuevo hogar aquí.

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Te encontré porque @brittandjosie y @jamerussell de @heyhaveyamet presentaron y promocionaron tu publicación para tener más exposición y ayudarte a crecer más rápido.

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