Learning To Write Articles That Earn And Inspire

in GEMS4 years ago

Ah, 2020. The year when literally anyone can start up a website and call themselves a writer; regardless of experience, doesn't matter their subject knowledge, and as long as they can write something coherent then that's all that matters. It's a good year to be alive, because if you have any talent talking to large audiences then you're onto a winner.

What do I advise everyone that I meet to do in today's age? Start up a blog, start journaling. You'll never know where it may lead you to. It's what happened to me. I started up my first blog over at wordpress.com as a way to vent from the daily stresses at work, what I had learned from those stresses, and a way to decompact. It was quite cathartic, but, here we are five years later. Several blogs to my name, and I would say I was pretty damn good at what I do.

Now I earn quite a bit over at wealthy affiliate, but that's a story for another day. If you're interested, you can see what I have to say about my journey here.

If I had the opportunity to give you any advice on what I've learned, and what to avoid along the way then I would write this article for you. So here goes.

In a world that tears you down, write what you love

Bad news sells faster than hot cakes. It stems from when we lived in caves and would have to warn our communities of potential danger. We have an in built warning system that sends us into a flurry of panic -- that's why you'll see us telling you where to avoid often if we've had a bad experience. That stuff is instinctual. That's why you'll see big organisations tearing certain groups down, because it gets clicks and views so much better than it would get if it was happy news.

But writing about heavy-hearted stuff all the time is going to tear you down eventually. It may even mess with your psyche.

I write what I love writing about. It keeps me coming back to the computer daily. It has me excited to write another article, or to sit here and talk to my audience for another evening. If you do similar to me and write what you love then you'll have a continual stream of article ideas that you'll just love to try out or play with. Nothing brings me back to the computer more than writing something I actually want to talk about.

if a writer falls in love with you

Learn to feel your writing

A writer that infuses feeling into their work is a writer that can take their audience up a mountain and down again. You can get your audience to experience a traumatic time with you, or one of the best days of your life. In a world that panders to emotions make your reader feel. They will get the absolute most out of it.

You could, "walk to the park"

Or you could, "feel the hot sun beating down on your face as you gently strolled to an empty park, stopping by at a grassy verge to pick up a solitary daisy"

See the difference?

One lacks interest, the other infuses descriptive writing with feeling.

Sometimes you have to give your audience what they want. Even if they are wrong.

Sometimes your audience is completely wrong. Sometimes you're going to have to introduce something so radical that even the thought of the concept may have them running for the hills -- for instance that guy that she slept with really isn't going to text back, no matter how badly she wants to hear that he will. But I can't just go right out and say that he probably isn't going to text back, no, I have to ease them in gently.

For someone to even play with the concept that you're trying to teach them then you have to appear like you're on their side at first. Regardless of what anyone will tell you, you begin an article by showing your audience that you understand where they're coming from. You not only know what they are thinking, but you have absolutely been in their situation before. People will entertain positions of thought from non-threatening people, but they absolutely will not if from the beginning you are rubbing them up the wrong way. Articles that inspire, always start off from a familiar position.

I know you, I understand you, I've been there before. Here's how I solved it.

See what I mean?

confidence in being wrong

You're not going to win everyone over. Stop trying to bend to everyone

Even the most considerate article that tries to cover all bases and every perspective in the most compassionate and kind way can often start off on the wrong foot with some people. Honestly, you just aren't going to win over everyone. Try to set some boundaries that you won't cross with your writing and stick to them. You won't please everyone but at least those that love your work will appreciate you all the more for sticking to your guns.

One of the most difficult things I had to learn about writing is that there's always going to be someone that disagrees with you. And they'll clutch onto that part of the article that they disagreed with forever. Just understand that people disagree, and that if everyone agreed with each other then nothing would ever get solved. We'd still be back throwing rocks at each other. Thank yourself that you have the opportunity to reflect.

And if you're selling anything, don't ask them to buy it.

Buy my stuff. No, really, buy it. Now. You won't be sorry.

Nothing turns a reader off faster than selling desperation. It's like when the teenager in the club is pleading with the girl to take him home with her. It's just not going to happen. The trick is to come across more link an information portal than a seller.

Here is this great stuff I found - you can get it by clicking here

Even better if you can convince the reader that they need what you have, and what you have is in limited supply. If the reader thinks that they need something, and you only have a few left, they will buy that up like their life depended on it.

Posted with love and care over at my blog, wealth citizen: https://wealthcitizen.com/learning-to-write-articles-that-earn-and-inspire/


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