Hello Hive Community!

I definitely like to eat a lot, I know how to cook but it's not something I like to do (laughs), but something I do like is the imagination that my friend @ zord184 has every week to invite us to think, reflect and create in his motivating Hive Creative Contest, that's why I join this week once again creating a delicious omelette for my participation.
- Carne molida cocinada al gusto.
- Plátanos maduros.
- Queso.
- Crema para panquecas al gusto.
- Salsa bechamel.
- Ground beef cooked to taste.
- Ripe bananas.
- Cheese.
- Cream for pancakes to taste.
- Bechamel sauce.
Para preparar una salsa bechamel sencilla hierve un poco de leche liquida y agrega lentamente una mezcla de harina de trigo y mueve hasta espesar. Agrega ajo y perejil.
To prepare a simple béchamel sauce, boil some liquid milk and slowly add a mixture of wheat flour and stir until thick. Add garlic and parsley.
En un molde flameado de mantequilla y harina de trigo vierte una parte de la mezcla de panquecas como una primera base de la tortilla. Si agregas un huevo a la mezcla de panquecas te quedara mucho mejor.
In a flamed pan of butter and wheat flour pour a part of the pancake mixture as a first base of the tortilla. If you add an egg to the pancake mix it will be much better.
Empieza a armar la tortilla con plátanos, carme y queso.
Start to assemble the tortilla with bananas, carme and cheese.
Vierte nuevamente un poco de la mezcla de panquecas y continua el proceso las veces que desees.
Pour back in some of the pancake mix and continue the process as many times as you like.
Por ultimo agrega salsa bechamel al gusto y coloca en el horno por unos 20 min.
Finally add bechamel sauce to taste and place in the oven for about 20 min.
El resultado será una deliciosa tortilla que disfrutarás con todo placer
The result will be a delicious omelette that you will enjoy with all pleasure.
Lo bueno de esta tortilla es que es algo que vino a mi mente creado por los recursos con los que contaba, y tu puedes agregar otros ingredientes como queso amarillo , jamón, queso crema etc.
The good thing about this tortilla is that it is something that came to my mind created by the resources I had, and you can add other ingredients such as yellow cheese, ham, cream cheese, etc.
Una vez mas gracias mis amigos por leer, no olvides dejar tu cometario si te gusto esta receta, son muy importantes para mi y te invito a que te motives a participar en este maravilloso concurso semanal .
Once again, thanks my friends for reading, don't forget to leave your comment if you liked this recipe, they are very important to me and I invite you to motivate yourself to participate in this wonderful weekly contest.

It looks delicious, Thanks a lot for sharing. 🙏
Gracias.. si realmente es muy sabrosa tienes que hacerla...
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