#HiveBDay Initiative - A wonderful year with Hive .. Beginning of an amazing Journey

in GEMS3 years ago

Hey Hivers

It's a great day for us as we are going to complete 1 year of the wonderful journey of Hive blockchain. It's time to celebrate the milestone and share how this last year has been for all of us.


Last year in 2020, there was a lot going on with the community and Justin sun and finally, we got our new home known as Hive. It was February 2020 when there was a confirmation by @blokctrades for the launch of the new chain know as HIVE.

I had complete my one year with this family on the 12th Match and one week later Hive was born. There was no change for me since I had all the known names with me and HIVE started with no technical glitch at all while during steem hard fork there were so many issues.

Hive is the place where I feel at home and I can share whatever I want. The community always welcome and supported. It feels like it's been a very long time working on the Hive platform. Although life across the world has been so tough due to the covid pandemic. The hive was born on 20th March and on 21 March 2020, India announced a one-day lockdown because of the increasing covid case, and later it was extended for few more months.

My Experience :-

Hive was the new name but the family remains the same and this was the best thing that did not make me feel like a newbie. I was one-year-old at that time and knew about the community very well.


I had lost my work because of covid lockdown in March 2020. I prepared a proper schedule to learn more about crypto and dedicated more time to the hive to learn more. It was a tough time indeed because it was not easy at all to stay home all the time but stating home was so much fun for me.

I was doing a lot on Hive like- writing posts, Playing games, watching videos on 3speak, engaging with Hivers, and create more content which was not possible for me earlier. Altogether it was a great time and this same schedule continued for over 5 months.

I also learned more about crypto trading, crypto wallets, airdrop, chart reading, etc, and it's all possible because of Hive. I never thought I would be able to work like this but it has happened because of Hive.

Hive is not a place to share content about crypto-only instead it's web 3.0 platform where we can get content and informative publications about various genres and topics. Be it life, money, crypto, cooking, photography, technology, fun, learning, etc, you get it all here. In short, I can say that Hive has something for everyone so don't hesitate to join this new age social media platform.

My Vision of hive for the next few years.

I am here to stay for a long and, to be honest, I can't say exactly how many years. I believe in the long term and building something for the long term and this long term is a minimum of 5 years.

Although Hive is 1 year now I am with this community for the last 2 years and have been powering up all my earning. When Hive touched 1$ price in April last year that time many people started selling their Hive since they got it through airdrop but I did not do it because I believe in the community. I am holding all my coins and now very close to reaching 9k Hive power.


I wish to have 25k HP in my account in the next few years and working to make this dream a reality. I know that it will take longer and I am not in a hurry since I am HODLer and a long-term believer. Hive is not just a platform but also an opportunity to learn, earn and reinvest to build a better future.

We can't create a future overnight as it takes time. I am here for a very long time and ready to give the amount of time it needs. I am not from a technical background but still, I can see lots of action on the platform which is a signal that we are growing and moving ahead toward the right direction and as an early joiner, we would be able to get the benefits.

I feel proud to be part of Hive and when this platform will be more popular that time people will run behind to catch the train and I will even more happy with my decision that I took well on time.

This is the first Hive birthday and I can say that this is just beginning and we are going to witness something amazing in the coming years. Hive will a trendsetter in the world of web 3.0 decentralized platform that offers freedom of speech to everyone by default.


I am going to join and attend the #hivemeetup and also did my registration on the website https://hivemeetup.online/

Thank you so much @theycallmedan for bringing this great initiative and giving the opportunity to look back and realize and share how this one year has been so far.

Thank you so much

have a great day.


It 's been a pretty great experience for me in the last year as well. I started getting real engagement on my posts right away. I was skeptical because it is so difficult to achieve that on the regular social media platforms. I joined with the CTPtalk tribe to start with and then I began to learn and am still learning. I am so happy I went ahead and got involved. Happy 1st Birthday Hive!