KarwaChauth festival Celebration

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello and Namaste Everyone

I hope that you guys are doing well and staying safe wherever you are as it's the foremost and for all of us.

Today I am sharing some photos of karwa Chauth festival that I had celebrated with some of my friends and such moments are priceless. Karwachauth is a king of the festival when we do fasting for the entire day without water and do warship in the evening once the moon has risen.



It's obvious that it's not easy because fasting starts at 12 am at the night and continues until the moon is visible. We warship for the moon and follow the tradition and custom. This festival comes once a year and very special for all the married girls since its believed that it helps increase the life of the husband. Maybe today people don't believe but this belief has been running on since ancient times and based on the same we all celebrate and enjoy the festival.




Photography is something that helps to capture beautiful moments and makes them memorable. We clicked many photos and some of them I shared here in this post for you guys so you that how it was celebrated and what are the things used for this. Although it's not easy to fast without water for the entire day in our life beliefs play a very important role and we certainly follow anything if we believe in this.

Every country has its culture and tradition and following it makes us strong and connects us to our roots and this way we take it forward to the next generation. October and November is a great time of the year because two major festivals are celebrated this time. Karwachauth and Diwali both are my favorite festival.

Thank you so much, everyone.

Have a great time.

Namaste from India


Namaste! It's nice to see these excellent pictures and read about your festivals. It's important to keep our traditions alive!

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Thanks a lot for sharing how you celebrated the Karwachauth festival @reeta0119, it was vey interesting to read about, and also to get to know about a festival that I had not heard about before, fasting on a festival seems very unfestival like to me, but you seem to have enjoyed the time with your friends, thanks a lot for sharing, it's awesome.

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Thanks much @flaxz

Wow this looks like a beautiful festival. It seems like a wonderful time for reflection & gratitude as well. Fasting is never easy, but in many belief systems, it serves as an important role for detoxifying & gaining clarity in its purpose. :) Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos & sending you all blessings & love. 👍🙂💚

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