When Corona Ends

in GEMS4 years ago

"When Corona Ends" - These 3 words have the biggest meaning in our lives as of now and I am sure many of us want to see the day When Corona Ends.

Coronavirus has been in the news since the beginning of this year but it has been announced as a pandemic disease in March month. By the time it is announced as a pandemic disease it has captured a big chunk of various countries and lakhs of people already got infected. There have been many viruses in history like Ebola etc but this one has made us all jailed and we are left with no other option. I have never seen this kind of situation in my life before and I can say that because of COVID-19 people are losing their source of earning jobs and a big financial impact on their business. Life is more important than anything else and on this thought, people are thinking that once this all problem is over then they will be able to recover their life on the track but I doubt that this will not be possible. Even though everything will get normal but coming back to the previous stage will require some time and it would not happen in just a few weeks.


Freedom is something that we all love to have but because of COVID-19 we are home locked and cannot go outside. Many people are working from home but not everybody has the same nature of work that they can manage the work from home. My work life is completely disturbed and I don't have any work as of now because I cannot go and meet my clients. Work from home is a good option for people who are working on laptops and their nature of jobs is more of service or any kind of online work but for the people like me who need to go on the field and meet various clients to get the project and work it's something that cannot be done from home properly. I like jobless for the last three weeks and I don't know how long it's going to be because I will not be going outside unless everything gets back to normal.

Now I am going to talk about three things that I will be doing first once Coronavirus ends.

1- Back to Work Life

Those who are working and have a proper schedule in their daily lives to do some work can understand how difficult it is when they have nothing to do. I believe work is something that completes our life and there is a lot that we can do through our key skills hard work and innovative ideas. Now since I am at home so I can focus more on the new ideas but for that also I require some work which I don't have as of now. Once this Corona and then I will be back to the work and will start meeting all my clients to get the projects and in fact, I will try to devote more time to cover of this loss so that at least in someone's coming in future I can accommodate this gap once this Corona and then I will be back to the work and will start meeting all my clients to get the projects and in fact, I will try to devote more time to cover of this loss so that at least in someone's coming in future I can accommodate this gap.


Money is needed for life survival and now since I don't have then there is no earning. Life is not that much and every day we need to put efforts to earn for bread and butter. My husband is working from home but we have planned out everything in such a way that we both are working to fulfill many responsibilities. Now since my earning is stopped but expenses remain the same so its going to be difficult for me and I hope to get it over soon. There is already a loss of a month and if it continues for long then there will be much more hit in our financial side. Once corona ends, then I will give more time to my work so that I can cover up the gap and take it back to the normal.

Social Life

Social distancing is going on and I am not meeting anyone except my family But we are humans and as human nature, we cannot stay aside from the people for a long time. I like meeting my friends and having some fun time with them Because this way I feel good. This time I talk more with my friends and relatives on the phone and I believe that meeting in person is beyond comparison to the phone talks. I am missing all my friends, relatives and once the situation gets to normal then I am going to meet with all of them and do some chitchats.

Apart from my social life my son is also feeling very much bored because for kids it's very difficult to stay at home all the time without even going outside for play. Parks in my apartments are empty and there is no one outside and even this time it's not allowed to go there. I feel so pity for my son because he is not able to do much in the house in terms of physical activities and this is what he is missing and I can see it on his face. I am feeling good that he's not complaining and he's trying to understand the situation but I can and also understand how he is going through in this lock-down. We Used to go outside for lunch or dinner every weekend but it's already been over a month time and we are missing it too. So once Corona and then I along with husband and kind will be going outside to enjoy some tasty meal and watch any good movie too.


I like traveling a lot and it was already planned that this March we will be going to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal but because of COVID-19, we could not make it. It was a family trip which was planned in December and we were eagerly waiting for it to happen in March It's all spoiled because of Coronavirus. Travel is an opportunity to have some refreshing and fun time with family and son but this time its canceled already however I will book the trip again when corona ends.


I visited TajMahal 5 years back and this time it was planned to re-visit as this is a great place. Its one of the 7 wonders in the world. I hope to visit the Tajmahal soon and it will surely be done when corona ends.

This is my submission for the When Corona Ends initiative and this is the official post and thanks to @theycallmedan for giving this opportunity to share thoughts about it.

Thank you so much

Stay safe

Namaste from India🇮🇳

Follow: @reeta0119


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