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RE: HIVE Newbies, This Article Is For You!

in GEMS3 years ago

In my first month, I had no idea about giftgiver so I started from scratch, with 0 nada, but my friend Paco gave me a delegation of 50HP and that changed everything for this account. I had another one 1st.
So, yes, anybody that's new and needs a delegation, let me know. I have helped others on Twitter to getting their delegation, people that I had no idea who they were but I have seen their motivation to engage and post. I'll be helping as I can.

@investOx23, thank you for your input, for reading and I hope to see you around again!


That's honest work right there. It can be daunting when you first use Hive/Leo and constantly run out of credits to comment / post. Good on you for delegating to those who are in need!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have delegated and also asked them to use Once they started to go beyond 5HP and post at least once/day, I have undelegated them. This should keep them motivated to do more for themselves. But I have also asked once or twice people from Hive in Twitter to help newbies and they did. So, we can all do something for each other.

Thank you so much for being here and reading and engaging! It matters a lot to me.