Min Yos / Facebook (Spa/Eng)

in GEMS4 years ago

Hola amigos, antes que nada les tengo que decir algo, últimamente el Internet me ha estado fallando bastante y literalmente paso todo el día sin lograr usar el Internet; porque esta caído. Y eso que yo uso Movistar y no cantv que cantv está más peor. Obviamente no soy el único, también le están pasado a muchas personas inclusive a mis amigos así que, si no me ven por casualidad de la vida publicando ya saben por qué. Aún tengo que mejorar en ciertos aspectos en cuanto a mis ilustraciones a color, aún sigo trabajando en ello y descubriendo más cosas. Tampoco es que tenga mucho que decir, ya que con el asunto del Internet me desanima un poco.

Hello my friends, first of all I have to tell you something, lately the Internet has been failing me a lot and I literally spend all day without being able to use the Internet; because it's down. And that's because I use Movistar and not cantv which is worse. Obviously I'm not the only one, it's also happening to many people including my friends so, if you don't see me by chance of life publishing you know why. I still have to improve in certain aspects regarding my color illustrations, I'm still working on it and discovering more things. Not that I have much to say, since the Internet thing discourages me a little.

Min Yos (Facebook)

Proceso / Process:





I love your art work
Is so cool I wish I had your skills

Waoh thank you miss. Well those skills of mine you say are not that complicated either, they are simple even if it doesn't seem so.

It looks complicated to me, I am the worst at digital art though so maybe I’m just an amateur lol

me gusto mucho la foto que escogiste.

Gracias! <3