Can Someone Tell Me or Point to the Right Direction of How to Sell My Steem on Steem Engine to Buy Hive ?

in GEMS4 years ago

It seems I just cannot go through Blocktrades or ionomy anymore to Sell Steem and buy hive.

Any help would be mucho appreciated !! :)

Thanks in advance


Go to click deposit, and select steem and you'll get the instructions, but in short all you do is send your steem to


with the memo SWAP.STEEM robertandrew

Okay I did that. Now what do I do after that ?? Where did this Steem go to ( just used 1 Steem as a trial) Does it automatically then turn into Hive ??

No it’s going to show up in your HIVE engine account as a swap steem token then you will have to trade it for HIVE and you can then send it to your hive account by using the withdraw option

Thanks for this. This is easier than the other guidances that I've seen.

Pleasure and glad I could help!

I used it an it worked well. Seems like you got some good help.

Did you find an easy way? I was using Blocktrades for my Steem to Hive transactions and then Bittrex for Steem to WAX.

I used Jongos link and it worked smoothly ;)