Discuss the roads and other bad conditions in your country

in GEMS2 months ago

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There are many things in our country that are poorly condition and need to be improved. One of the biggest problems is the road system. I live in a village and there is only one road leading out of the village which is quite poor. A lot of water gets standing in this strick, so much water that your knees can easily get soaked in it.

That's the only way I go to college. If I go to college on my bike, my bike gets dirty with dirty water, which threatens to ruin my college uniform. Many times I enter college with a dirty uniform due to this bad road.

We have to pass through this road to go to our duties or to go shopping, which is a tough challenge for us. Many requests have been sent to the government to rebuild this road, but no action is taken by the government. If luckily action is taken, after four to five months it is started to be made. Almost a short time after its construction, the road again deteriorates

The reason for this is that it does not use good materials and is not well made, due to which it deteriorates quickly. This road has been built many times but then it remains the same

There are many areas and towns in our country that have good roads but apart from the road problem, there may be many other problems such as poor quality of water, due to which one has to go to the markets to buy clean water.

If the water is not the problem, the gas may be. Gas is delivered four hours in 24 hours, two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening otherwise, you can't cook anything all day, if you want to cook something, you have to take a cylinder.

But if the gas is delivered in four hours, why is the bill so high? I just received the gas bill of this month and when I saw the gas bill, the bill was 5,300 rupees. I was surprised to see this. I quickly checked the price of his unit which was already inflated and it is very annoying. I think if we use a cylinder instead of government gas, he can be cheaper than the government gas

Regarding electricity, I am satisfied at the moment because for the last seven to eight months, our electricity goes off only for one hour in 24 hours. The electricity may turn off in summer because electricity is needed more in summer.

The weather is turning into summer now. Last year there was poor power supply due to which we had difficulty charging mobiles, gadgets and other items. Apart from this, lack of electricity in extreme heat is a great punishment

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I think a developed country can be judged by the number of hospitals in that country. But unfortunately there are very few hospitals in our country. Due to which there are many deaths in a day because there is no one to treat them. In the area where I live, there are no big hospitals that have every machine and every facility.

If any patient has critical condition, it is advised to take him to Lahore. Lahore is quite far from here and dealing with the traffic on the way is also a difficult task. Many patients die on the way and this is very disturbing. Even if the patient is admitted to a hospital in Lahore, chances are not very good that he can survive because the charges there are very high.

Seeing the critical condition of the patient and the distress of the family, the doctors increase the fee further, which the patient's family cannot manage and they have to lose their loved one

If the government increases the number of government hospitals and uses the best machinery in them, it can improve the conditions of the country. Due to the incompetence of the government, many people go to other countries to get the best treatment

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Education is the most important aspect of life if students are given good education then in future same students can make the country better. Doctors who can take good care of patients can become politicians who can improve the conditions of the country and serve the people

Teachers in our country are only interested in their salaries. They don't care if my student is doing well or not. One of the worst things about education in our country is that there are only books reading and no attempt is made to make the students practical. Due to which students get good grades but their performance is very poor

Most of the youths here have great degrees and all the youths are facing humiliation with their degrees in hand and are looking for jobs but they are not getting jobs anywhere

Despite these conditions, there are still some rays of hope that our country can improve. Because a new government has come in our country a few months ago and it is hoped that this government will take good steps for the betterment of the country. It will take good measures not only for roads but also for hospitals and schools

This new government has announced free Wi-Fi to students. But right now this announcement is only for a few areas. Apart from this, the new government has also announced free bikes for students.

It is hoped that these facilities will be available in our area very soon and this will improve the country's conditions. Students will gain more knowledge through free Wi-Fi and they will use good bikes to travel to schools and colleges

I think we need to take good steps to improve the conditions of the country as much as possible we should try together for the betterment of the country

This is my entry for inleo April write contests for day 25


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I can feel how you feel.

Don't worry, everything will be sorted very soon and the government of your country will do the needful.


This new government has created a new hope, I hope that the situation in our country will improve very soon
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