Mi primer post en Hiveblog | My first post on Hiveblog

in GEMS3 years ago

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Bienvenidos hivers

Saludos gente de Hive blog, me presento mi nombres es Samira tengo 28 años nací el 07 de abril, soy Tsu en informática , soy la mayor de 5 hermanas, vengo de una familia humilde, luchadora y trabajadora, que me inculcaron valores muy importantes como el respeto y la honestidad.

Orgullosamente venezolana de Monagas, específicamente de un pueblo hermoso llamado San Antonio de Capayacuar donde nací y me crié con mi abuela, la cual siempre me ha apoyado.


Me considero una persona amable, responsable y buena amiga, vengo de un pueblo donde en invierno sus montañas se cubren de una blanca neblina y es un deleite disfrutar de esa vista y su de su frío, donde la gente es amable y hospitalaria, alegre y trabajadora, donde puedes caminar sus calles y apreciar la tranquilidad que se encuentran en ellas.

Welcome hivers

Greetings people of Hive blog, I introduce myself my name is Samira I am 28 years old I was born on April 07, I am Tsu in computer science, I am the eldest of 5 sisters, I come from a humble family, fighter and worker, who instilled in me very important values such as respect and honesty.

Proudly Venezuelan from Monagas, specifically from a beautiful town called San Antonio de Capayacuar where I was born and raised with my grandmother, who has always supported me.


I consider myself a kind, responsible and good friend, I come from a town where in winter its mountains are covered with a white mist and it is a delight to enjoy that view and its cold, where people are friendly and hospitable, cheerful and hardworking, where you can walk the streets and appreciate the tranquility found in them.

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Tengo diferentes y muchos gustos, me encanta la cocina no si soy la mejor cocinera pero me defiendo bien, mi mamá prepara para mi la mejor comida y es que las abuelitas tienen ese sazón incomparable que nadie mas tiene, pues mi mamá es una de esas, hace de todo, sobre todo dulces, hace dulce de lo que sea mi favorito el Turrón de coco, espero mas adelante poder compartir con ustedes muchas de sus recetas y dulces.

I have different and many tastes, I love cooking, not if I am the best cook but I defend myself well, my mom prepares for me the best food and grandmothers have that incomparable seasoning that no one else has, well my mom is one of those, she makes everything, especially sweets, she makes sweet of whatever, my favorite is the coconut nougat, I hope later I can share with you many of her recipes and sweets.

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Tengo una pequeña afición por el maquillaje y todo lo relacionado con la belleza, sobre todo con el cuidado de la piel, en las fiestas siempre soy como la estilista ya que maquillo y también le hago peinados a familiares y amigas.
I have a little hobby for makeup and everything related to beauty, especially with skin care, at parties I'm always like the stylist because I do makeup and also do hair for family and friends.

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Para concluir debo decir que me siento muy emocionada de poder iniciar en el esta linda comunidad, ya no puedo esperar para empezar aprender y conocer todo sobre este mundo hive, se que me espera un camino largo que recorrer así que pondré todo mi esfuerzo para ir creando un buen contenido, se que con su apoyo sera mas sencillo.
To conclude I must say that I am very excited to start in this beautiful community, I can not wait to start learning and knowing everything about this hive world, I know I have a long way to go so I will put all my effort to create a good content, I know that with your support it will be easier.

Imagines Propias

Editado desde: https://www.fotor.com
Traducido desde: https://www.deepl.com

Own Images
Edited from: https://www.fotor.com
Translated from: https://www.deepl.com



Welcome samira07!
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Felicidades Samira y Bienvenida a Hive. Espero logres sentirte cómoda y a gusto aquí, encontraras un sinfín de cosas interesantes y también podrás compartir las tuyas. Saludos y cuenta conmigo ante cualquier duda, estamos para ayudarnos.😊

Bienvenidaaaa por acá todos los éxitos y la mejor de las vibras

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Bienvenida!! que alegría ver gente de San Antonio acá en Hive, yo soy de Maturín pero mi familia viene de ese pueblo amado. Saludos.

Welcome to Hive! 😊

Welcome to the HIVE blockchain and THE TERMINAL in Discord! 🙂

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Welcome! It is good to have you here with us and we hope you enjoy blogging while earning a little crypto!

Hello, @samira07! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

Well, you can explore the communities that suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!

Great pictures... welcome

Bienvenido. Si requiere mas requisitos para usar la plataforma visita este sitio

Welcome on board Samira. Nice to have to you here. I believe you just found the right platform on the web to express yourself, have fun while you earn. Do well to navigate around and join communities that might interest you.

Bienvenido a bordo de Samira. Encantado de tenerte aquí. Creo que acaba de encontrar la plataforma adecuada en la web para expresarse, divertirse mientras gana. Haga bien en navegar y unirse a comunidades que podrían interesarle.

To grow well here, you will need to focus more on engagement I.e interacting with people and getting to know people around here. I trust you will have a nice time here. Looking forward to reading more interesting contents from you. Followed.

Para crecer bien aquí, deberá centrarse más en el compromiso, es decir, interactuar con la gente y conocer gente de aquí. Confío en que lo pasarás bien aquí. Espero poder leer más contenidos interesantes de usted. Seguido

Posted via proofofbrain.io

to the Hive blockchain and platform, Yes its happening you are a hiver or Bee as we are calling ourselves now. This is the moment to warm welcome you as a new user. And you receive this message because you used the #introduceyourself tag!

I was welcomed with good advice too when I started so here I am returning the favour. I know that Hive may seem very overwhelming right now but don't worry. After a few blog you will be a great blogger and contributor.
If you have any questions just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have! I may know the answer. If not I will know someone who does.

Very important I recommend you to never give up any off your passwords they are yours.
To blog i use Peakd, to control your account use Ecency, also an App I use is great, it gives you insight on what is happening in your account.

Maybe great to join the terminal in Discord and visit @heyhaveyamet to See more newcomers onboard.

Good Luck, Have fun and I wish you loads of success on here! :)

GREETZ from Holland
Theterminal discord invite

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Tip! https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@crosheille/so-whats-the-criteria-for-a-quality-post-how-curators-make-their-selections
