Signs of a good person

in GEMS2 years ago

Hello friends, Assalamu Alaikum how are you all hope everyone is well and healthy today I bring you another new story today's story is about a good man Guna Guna.

We all know that there are many types of people living in our society, there are good and bad people living in the society and our society is made up of these good and bad people.

If there are no good and bad people in the society, then it is impossible to do any kind of work or any thing in that society. If there are 500 people in a society, there are about 250 good people and 250 bad people, but find a good person in it. is available


A good person who always stands by the side of poor and helpless people and always helps people to do good works like a good person in a society thinks that he is always good for the people and stands by the side of people and all kinds of problems of poor and distressed people. This good man was trying to solve.


The people of the society would be very happy to see all the good deeds that he did, and seeing the people of that society happy, that good man's heart would also be filled with happiness, because he has done a good deed, everyone in his society looks favorably on him and his good side. pointed out

If you have been a good person in your society then you may know that a good person has many aspects. He never misbehaves with anyone. A good person can take a society far but a bad person can never take a society in a better direction so we should always think of living as a good person so that people don't get harmed and because of that the people of the society too. I will take care not to suffer.

So friends today I have shared as much as I could in front of you if you like it then definitely comment and let us know how you liked today's story. Good day everyone. Stay healthy. Assalamu Alaikum.