An uncertain fight on a wonderful day

in GEMS4 years ago

It's morning. I sit by the window and stare at the sky. The sun's rays are breaking through the clouds. They are fighting an important battle that will decide what today will be like.
Leafy leaves, watching the fight, cheering from the branches of tall trees, and watching the dried mute from the crowd on the ground and thinking about the outcome.
At the very top of the bank, the orchard desires rain that would bathe its sweet fruits, while, on the other hand, the sun struggles to cover the entire city with its warm cloak. I'm thinking who will win in the end.


When at once! The gray cloud, proud and proud, began to rain. Thunderstorms prevailed, and the city had a strong wind that forced all the children out of the playground with their whistle. The sun did not surrender and boldly took its throne in the sky. It managed to cope with the gusts of wind and rain and returned a cheerful children's smile to the slides and rocking chairs.
Hours passed and it was time for the weary Sun to sink into sleep. The gray cloud tried again to cover the city with rain, but when he saw the moon with an army of stars, he cowardly fled away, over the bank and the orchard. And there ... The fruit was as many stars in the sky!
The moon caressed the earth with a pleasing look. Deep, peaceful dreams ruled the city.


With the first-morning dew, the moon sparkled and selflessly gave a new day to the sun rising high into the sky.
I'm still thinking. Spring has arrived and with it a golden sun that will not give up in its intention to occupy the sky. What are the secrets and struggles of the new day?



With love Sara❤️

