Are We Humans Destined To Split Into Multiple Species?

in GEMS4 years ago


When I think about the future of humanity, I can't help but come to the conclusion that we might split into multiple species. This might sound too weird and far-fetched but if you take into consideration our current and future path, you will come to the same conclusion.

Of course, it might take centuries or even thousands of years for this to take effect and be permanent. However, I think that it is pretty much how it's going to be.

It will be a result of many different technologies and our desire to become a multi-planetary species. Basically, we will reach a point where we will be able to take control of the process of our evolution into our own hands.

This artificial evolution will open lots of different options for us and becoming a certain type of "species" might become as common as adopting different lifestyles.

The Great Split

So, in the future, with the rise of robots and artificial body parts that are better than their living counterparts, people might slowly start accepting a merger of humans and machines.

Also, if we figure out how to upload consciousness into a machine or the cloud, we will completely be able to live inside a robotic body. The limitations of our biological bodies would no longer matter. And death would become obsolete.

This might create a great divide in the human population. Not everyone will choose this fate. Some will choose to remain humans, some half human half robot and some will choose to be complete robots. This will effectively split the human race.

Also, when we start colonizing different planets and establish permanent colonies there, it will lead to slow and gradual changes in the bodies of the settlers. People on Mars might develop differently to those that have settled on the moon. Over generations, this might lead to the creation of slightly different species.

All of this might sound really bizarre right now but reality has been just that. I mean what more proof could you want than the current year we live in!


Like you said in the post, as stupid as it may sound, there are proof that such things might to pass in the future. Especially the part where humans invade other planets. I do watch movies and I can't help to wonder if all these things I watch in movies might come to show on our faces in reality one day

Yes, more often than not, the stuff we see in movies and tv shows becomes reality one day. As they say, the science fiction of today is the reality of tomorrow.

Of course, nice write up bro

I think species diversification of humans is a foregone conclusion. We are approaching the ability to force the issue, to create ourselves in various forms, via machine, and gene manipulation. Mother nature and evolution do not stop just because man can now take a hand at Human Design. One day we will stop fixing genetic birth defects, some of which are completely harmless, and allow mother nature to start using her ability on Humans again.

As we do spread to other worlds adaption will take place both natural and forced adaption. We will be come high G and zero G species, Space Faring and planet bound. We, the Human Form, are a pretty adaptable frame work. We current live and adapt to many places on earth. People on the equator can not envision people in the polar regions wearing t-shirts and shorts at the freezing point of 0 C or 32 F, but it does happen.

Yeah, we are a pretty adaptive species and as you said, species diversification is a foregone conclusion. I think this has also been shown a little in the show The Expanse.