in GEMS2 years ago

The alarm on my cellphone kept ringing, I opened my eyes on Sunday morning which should be my time off after a full week of struggling with work activities that seemed to drain all of my energy. I opened my eyes slowly and gathered the energy to get out of bed which seemed to have a magnet and pulled me to fall back into sleep. I looked and read one by one the WhatsApp messages that had been incoming simultaneously, I saw several messages on Grub reminding me that today I had an appointment to travel to a place in the Aceh Besar area.


I rushed to the bathroom and got ready to gather at one of my friend's houses that we had promised a few days ago. After making personal preparations, I immediately drove my vehicle to the place we had agreed. Arriving there, we immediately prepared everything and after a while of waiting and doing team preparations and we thought all preparations had been completed, we immediately rushed to the place we had determined, namely Siron Hill in the Aceh Besar area.


It didn't feel like the clock was showing 12.00 WIB and we took a break at one of the restaurants to have lunch first. After finishing our meal, we headed back to the foot of the Siron hill which was the destination of our trip that day. Siron Hill is a relatively new natural tourist destination in the Aceh Besar area, the highlands that connect Aceh Besar with Aceh Jaya are one of the tourist attractions that are still natural, the air is so cool, the scenery is so beautiful and also surrounded by rivers. which flows beautifully along the way to the destination completes the beauty of the Siron Hill.

After an hour of traveling by motorbike, we finally arrived at the foot of Siron Hill. After resting for five minutes, we immediately made the climb to Siron Hill, the climbing route was quite exhausting. After an hour of climbing, we finally arrived at the top of Siron Hill and also the border between Siron Hill and Glee Raja.





After a few hours of resting and capturing the beautiful moment at the top of Siron Hill, we immediately rushed down because the weather was suddenly cloudy which required us to immediately descend and return home. Because yesterday is Monday and we all have to go back to work, we finally decided to go back to our respective homes and rest to recover our energy and welcome Monday with busy work that has become a routine.


Maybe this is a short story about our trip some time ago to the Siron Hill tourist destination, Aceh Besar which may have many shortcomings in writing and also the storyline which may be irregular and also complete, in this case I apologize because I am still in the learning process . I really hope for criticism and suggestions from all of you, so that I can develop further in the future.

Best regards @saya.konoha


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