First Activity In The Orchard

in GEMS2 years ago

Hello everyone!

It wasn't a sunny day, and it's still winter, but it's letting up, and I decided to go and look in the orchard for a change, instead of hanging out on Hive and Discord and trimming the fence, which got pretty big last year.

The latest pruning was last spring. This part of the orchard fence is natural, there is no wire, there are bushes, hazel, and elder, and when it starts to grow it's all green and bushy.
Now it looks like this.


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A couple of days ago I ordered a small, hand-held, battery-powered electric saw and I was also curious if and how it would work.


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The length of this part of the fence is about 50 meters, in principle about an hour's work, and I was wondering how long the battery would last (I ordered two batteries, which had to be recharged first) and if these two would be enough to trim this length.


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It went quite quickly, mainly because the branches were thin and I didn't need to make any additional adjustments to the saw or the blade, which meant I got it stacked well.
Of course, RTFM (Read The Fucking Manual) :) 😁

Here I am, halfway through and I had to change the battery. If I've made a good assessment, the second battery should last until the end.


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Now, on to the other side, where the branches are bushier and thicker. I'll shorten this into gif animation.


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There are a lot of these cut branches. I'll have to clear them all out.


And the end.
The fence is trimmed. It took me about an hour, which means I made a good estimate.


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Now I'll have to clean it all up, which will take me as long as pruning. All in one pile, and when it gets dry I might grind it up (if I can 😁) and use it to scatter in the garden under the tomatoes and other vegetables so that weeds don't grow.


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I'm also quite happy with this electric saw. Two batteries are enough for trimming, I haven't trimmed thicker branches yet, but I'm sure I'll have a chance when spring comes.


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Currently we are also in the winter, but nowadays we have early spring weather. Hopefully the spring will come soon.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Thank you very much for the comment. Yes, here's also winter but spring is on the horizon. All the best to you, too. 👏 😎

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A good purchase and great work, congrats! Do you have a grinder?

I use a bigger eclectic saw with the cable to do the job. It's still a lot of work :)

Have a great cultural day.


@tipu curate

Thanks for tip! Yes, I have one electric grinder but it's not what I think. It takes a lot of time to cut everything 😎. Have a great cultural day, too. btw: I'm watching olympics, our guys and girls are awesome. !BEER

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Hey @seckorama, here is a little bit of BEER from @ervin-lemark for you. Enjoy it!

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Good job, hope you took a beer after all this cutting 😉

Unfortunately not. I'm waiting for #beersaturday. 😎 🍻 !BEER

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