Another day spent with my crush in this quarantine period

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello everyone, I’m new here, a friend of mine told about this community as it relates mostly to photography and it’s promotes original contents and I’m here to share some images have taken during this period of lockdown. Here they are
This images above were created two weeks ago. Just when I thought the whole lockdown would be eased off over here was when it was increased and I was very unhappy about it. I also wasn’t comfortable with myself not taking picture for a long period of time, so I reached out to my crush asked her to come and see me not minding if there was lockdown or not and she been stubborn tried every possible thing to turn down my request and I told her I had something to give to her and she had no other option than to come down to my place. I didn’t bother telling her to dress in a certain way, I just told her to come and she did the selection of clothes herself. So fortunately she came and I was happy to see her, before bringing out my gear I made her feel comfortable by talking to her about how my quarantine routine has been and she told me about hers till we began taking selfies of which I would share few here;
Pardon me I’m not a fan of been in front of a camera so I barely take images unless I’m caught unaware. So after a while of chatting and taking selfies I then decided to bring out my gear and she knew where I was heading to and she kept laughing but had no choice but the dress herself well and get ready for the shutter button to be clicked.
Unfortunately we couldn’t take a lot of image cause she needed to be home to avoid shouts from her parents.
Based on the fact that I told her I was going to give her something, I had to sacrifice my earphone for her and gave her little amount of money to take her back home and that was how I spent my day with my crush

Here are my settings on the Canon 1100d for the first image;
ISO: 400
Aperture: f/2.5
Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec
Focal length: 50mm
Edited in Photoshop Cc 2015

Here are my settings on the Canon 1100d for the second image;
ISO: 100
Aperture: f/2.5
Shutter Speed: 1/4000 sec
Focal length: 50mm
Edited in Photoshop Cc 2015