This Is It! The Store Will Be Officially Open On Monday! πŸ˜ƒ

in GEMS β€’ 3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

Hope all are safe and well!

I am happy and proud to share that the store space is not anymore empty. I've been sharing it here the progress of building the store space. Because, some earnings I got here goes to building of the store space. Now, it has few products to sell. I hope I can add some more products for the store. Still, there are lots lacking in the store. I hope all basic needs I can sell it. I am still hoping to fill more the store. Hopefully soon more products for sale! πŸ˜ƒ


God bless to my store business! πŸ˜ƒ

Have a Blessed Saturday everyone! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Thank You Lord for the blessings and love!

Be grateful in every little/simple things and you'll find happiness you ever wanted! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Everyday is worth to be grateful of!

Praying for the safety and wellness of all.

Heal Our Land Oh God!



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All the best in your new endeavor and God bless :-)

Thank you so much @d-pend! πŸ˜ƒ
I am wishing for the best for my store business! Wishing it will become a mini-grocery soon! πŸ˜€

May you have many customers to come and prosper. Best of luck.

@tipu curate

Thank you! πŸ˜ƒ

Thank you so much! πŸ™