"The Art of Creation" My Writings and Thoughts #1

in GEMS3 years ago

"The Art of Creation"

What is creation? Well you create every moment, from when you wake up all the way through your dreams, it is an everlasting cycle of life. To some your creation is worthy, good or bad but one thing remains, you, the master of your destiny in creating whatever you like, whatever you want and you don't need to let any judgment of darkness come into your reality. I am me, but who am I, who are you, why do you feel the need to judge or critique others thoughts, feelings or life? Why not sit back and allow someone to create with no judgment, if it is not for you then it is so easy to move on, if it is for you and you feel it, then speak up and speak your world into existence. Why have we allowed the darkness to have power? No longer do I allow it or at least I try my hardest to not let that in, I truly am with the light but moment to moment the darkness of others will still try to creep into your world, my thoughts are not just random, by now I hope you are feeling some kind of other way, some kind of other option is available to everyone, in all that can be.

For me, I just want to keep on writing, keep on reading, keep on in taking all that is good and all that is bad if necessary and turn it into my reality of it all. You have the chose to be good, to be with the source, to be with the light, all that is God, all that is good. Why continue to allow darkness in? That only brings in the negative into your reality, you want peace? It is so easily obtainable to have it. Why not use your mind and power like you were meant to? Why not choose to lead with your heart and put out in the Universe what you want and all that is good. You are created in God's image, you are created to create, especially Life, you have that choose whether it is for good or evil and whatever way you choose you'll see the results. Seem's I was stuck in the darkness for far to long and now I have been touched by the light, I know without a shred of doubt that God is with me, God is guiding me and my path is clear but just like the cosmos, all so everywhere. That is our brain too, believe it or not, I am not here to teach, I am here to create and if it comes into your paradigm then good, if not peace be with you regardless of your feelings. The Brain and the Cosmos are all interconnected and the same, we are connected and have a collective together and our consciousness, very smart decision that needs to be tapped into, so you can get the download for our next life but I don't mean life like you think I mean. When it hits you no words will need to be said, thoughts run freely between us.

I have lived such an amazing life, I am so grateful and thankful, to have lived in three countries, Japan, Spain and the Philippines, not to mention all the travel destinations I have been to. So many wonderful cultures, so many wonderful people, in so much beauty and yes the darkness is still their too. I often wonder what my purpose is and always ask myself, Who am I? Well once you truly look into that mirror, with your most powerful mind and heart, you will see it all, it all will be revealed to you, a burden at times will cross thru your mind because you feel your are the only one, does that make me better than the next man or women? No not at all, I am just out here trying to tap into what we are meant to be as a collective, we are all very powerful but we are even more powerful together. This is why you see the devil and darkness try so hard to divide us, this reality isn't the only one but they sure have programmed us to keep that low vibration, that low energy for a reason. They have tapped in and they know why you follow them, watch their movies, go to their games, buy their products, and even idolize them. They have pushed you into thinking that materialistic stuff is better than what you can create, I beg to differ but it took me so ling to realize this, your options are like time, timeless.

Maybe I do have a real old soul, maybe I have been around for many moon's, I wish all to be equal but you still need to have that quality and some are not meant to be, but are very much capable to be though. My brain truly runs like a great machine and again I am no better than the next man but It is on overdrive and overload day to day, the constant ringing of the ears, the constant noise I intake is unreal, I am not basic, I am highly intelligent but academic wise what does that even mean at this stage in this reality? My own intelligence has a function, it has meaning, that is why I am here. I am here because I have been around the world and back, darkness had stuck me for many years because those blinders were on and I was running with darkness. That light sure did hit me though, what I feel daily, I cant even be put into words, so tap into that consciousness and it will be revealed to you, in time though, no need to rush it, it will come thru patience and faith. I truly am for the love of humanity and I truly have so much emotions for us all, that you cant be a weak one to have this, you wont make it out alive but many survive because they don't care but for themselves, that is such a sad way to live. People often ask me why do I let everything in? It's easy to answer I want to be one with acknowledged, to be the chosen one, as I do for you, for all, I want you and I to feel the truth. I used to blindly believe in many things and go with the flow. No longer like that, since my awakening, and also the most important part of the answer to that question, is because I care. The word I don't care, well then you reality wont care either and darkness will be that place for you for as long as you want it to. I care, I choose love, I choose God and I choose to be greatness. Love me or hate me, or even enjoy me, its your decision, just as your own fate, its yours to discover and let it see the light.....

Until next time, God be with, you... Bless you and yours....

Here is another creation, an Art piece I took one of my photo's and turned it into a painting. I'm just out here creating and doing what I love, to be me is to be free. If you want to see more of my work, check out the NFT Showroom and if your interested in joining and supporting all the wonderful Artists from Hive, here is my referral link:




Also Here is a great book recommendation if you need one. When Science and Faith meets.

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we are in a world of light and darkness and recently i can see the darkness trying to overshadow the light, the happenings in the world, the evil ones are carrying out their atrocities with no remorse, probably the end of the world is near, only few will be saved...

End of the world maybe or more like the cycle of Mother Earth, but not end of your Spirit, your Soul because you did not sell it like so many did to the devil.