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RE: Once in a blue moon

in GEMS4 years ago

So my Dad when he was still around, and once in a while when he felt like it, would sing a song that goes like this... "Blue Moon... you saw me standing alone... without the love of my life..." then I forgot the next lines.
I saw the first photo and it brought back memories of my Dad instantly! So thank you, my dear friend.
But... it also reminded me of the movie ET!!!
WOW, that is a large lens for your camera! And what a great treat and reward for a successful move! Yes, you deserve it, and what was the treat for mrs @tattoodjay, my friend? A new purse, a scarf, a pair of earrings, a hat?
Missing all your awesome photos, and looking forward to the next ones!
Have a beautiful Sunday, and take care 🥰🌺🤙.


I know the song and glad my photo brought back nice memories

My wife got a few things a point and shoot camera new computer and other buts and pieces


Wait... did you say..."shoot camera, new computer and other buts and pieces"?🤔😂

Ohh yeah I did she did well also :)