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RE: Shopping at Bonds for Market Friday

in GEMS3 years ago

Oohh, lots of everyday wear!!!
I seldom go shopping for non-essentials, hehehe.
Maybe twice a year, is plenty, hahaha!
Bonds is a company I have not heard of.
Of course, it means nothing, lol.
I have to be more versed with the market!
Have a lovely day @angiemitchell!


I must admit @silversaver888 I am not a must look at all shops person either, much preferring to ignore them until I want something. But having said that if something attracts me in the window I'll go in for a wander and most times wander out again very quickly afterwards. It is beautiful Sunday here, Father's Day and will be all go with a son and his family arriving soon. Happy day to you.

Oh, I tend to look! That is why I avoid going to the mall, if at all possible, hehehe!
Do you know that I was a shopper before... and I would buy and buy!
I guess you go through stages, except that others don't realize it and are stuck at that phase.

Have a great day @angiemitchell!