📷 My New Year's gift for you :-)

in GEMS2 years ago

Have a nice day! So this year is over! A little more and the tiger will come into its own :-) That's why I decided to draw this proud and strong animal on occasion.


However, I had to suffer a little. After all, I am not a professional artist and animals are difficult for me. See for yourself how it all started...


Somehow I didn't get the proportions of a tiger right away. But what's interesting is that I realized it myself. I started changing and redrawing everything.
Then everything went a little easier.


It turns out I marked his nose too high. That's why he looked more like a snow leopard than a tiger :-)

Then, using bright acrylic paints, I began to bring it back to normal a little. But as a result, the symbol of the upcoming year was almost ready :-)


Now I have exactly 3 of them! However, they are all very different. This one was the very first. I apologize for showing it now. But before I didn't even understand what I had drawn. He seemed to me just handsome. Because he was my first tiger, which I drew myself. I even blocked this post with him here. Of course, I was very upset then, but I began to study more and comprehend the basics of drawing.


My second tiger was already like that.


However, I also sat with him for several days. Painted and painted over, painted and painted over. But I really liked the result.
And today will be the third! I think he's the best. What do you think? I especially liked his eyes.

Then I experimented a little with the photos and it turned out this.




I also made a gif image for congratulations to friends.



But in conclusion, I wish you all a great New Year 2022 and be happy and healthy!

If you like my drawings, then check them out here!
Thank you for supporting me in my work! Your advice helps me a lot!
I published many of my works in this portfolio on the website "Deviant Art", and in General, during the year of painting, I drew more than 100 paintings, of course some of them are just drawings, so to speak, a sample of the brush :-)

But there are also good paintings that have received approval even from professional masters of painting!

Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!
Best wishes!


Этот тигр слишком положительно настроен), видимо,он мечтал попасть внутрь стеклянного шара.

Did you hear about the farmer that fed his chickens avocados?
All you could hear around there was “guac, guac, guac, guac.”

@singa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @barski
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)

Это я его туда поместила :-)
С наступающим Новым годом! Всех вам благ!

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Какие милые, добрые тигры у тебя получились, Света!
Надо бы и мне своего льва дописать, наконец.

Спасибо, Наташа! С новым годом!
Конечно допиши и нам покажи :-) Мне очень интересно будет посмотреть. Кстати сказать рисовать я стала после интересных обучающих постов твоего сообщества. Жаль что ты уже не пишешь на Голосе.

И тебя с Новым годом, Света! Счастья, мира и добра :)
Я очень рада, что наше сообщество было полезным и вдохновляющим!
А ты на Голосе что-то публикуешь сейчас? Я давно не заходила

Я оттуда и не уходила. Там сейчас стало хорошо, людей прибавилось, много изменений разных, донаты рассылают активным авторам, каждому присвоили интересные значки: черепашки, рыбы, осьминожки... Да и конкурсов много.

вау!!!! я просто влюбилась в твоего второго тигра!!!!!! это реально круто!!!!! помню, я нарисовала забавного хомячка на консервной банке в подарок малышке и была такая гордая, какой он вышел классный. показываю его своему брату, когда он с родителями приехал к нам в гости, и спрашиваю: кто это. А он мне: похоже на ёжика! 😂😂😂 это было обидно 😁😁😁

У меня часто такое случалось! С наступающими тебя!