📷 Picturesque corners of nature for your mood: wednesdaywalk

in GEMS4 years ago

Have a nice day! Now, when the weather is warm and Sunny, we can only go through old photos and admire the picturesque corners of our cities...

No one wants to get infected with the virus and most of them stay in their apartments. Although the street is already full of flowers and singing birds.

I always admire the gardeners and gardeners who manage to maintain the alleys in this condition. There are daylilies, roses, tulips, peonies, forget-me-nots and many other plants that are always interesting to watch.

Sometimes, just before your eyes, buds may open. And butterflies flutter from flower to flower in search of the sweetest nectar, the fragrance is carried everywhere directly honey.

In the Park, I even have my favorite character, remember I showed it to you once :-)

How does he fare there now without visitors...

Probably alone listening to nightingales trill.

Many of us have never thought about how good it is just to walk in nature. Here so sat and nothing except gadgets didn't notice around themselves...

And now that many of us have been forced into isolation you realize what we have lost...
I wish you all health and patience to overcome this forced measure of security and isolation from this terrible pandemic.

Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes,


I think its all so frustrating for so many of us, but it has a bonus that we get to see all this amazing shots you shared with us today :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)