Setas y Flores - [En] Mushrooms & Flowers

in GEMS4 years ago

Recuerdo que era otoño cuando capture estas imágenes, me encontraba visitando unas ruinas romanas en compañía de mi hermana. Eran días de constante lluvia, por lo que llevar la cámara era casi una misión imposible, y para ese día en la app del tiempo indicaba que entre la una y tres de la tarde la probabilidad era baja, así que nos aventuramos a explorar.

[En] I remember that it was autumn when I captured these images, I was visiting some Roman ruins in the company of my sister. It was a rainy day, so taking the camera was almost an impossible mission, and for that day the weather app indicated that between one and three in the afternoon the probability was low, so we ventured out to explore.

F/1.8 | ISO/20 | EXP - 1/552 seg | D.F - 43 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone X

F/1.8 | ISO/20 | EXP - 1/457 seg | D.F - 43 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone X

Entre tanta extensa vegetación mi hermana decide explorar un rincón del terreno donde descubrimos que solo llevaba a una área de servicio, sin embargo, en el camino hallamos una gran cantidad de setas creciendo y coexistiendo con esta flor silvestre que suele crecer mucho por estos lados.

[En]Among so much extensive vegetation my sister decides to explore a corner of the land where we discovered that it only led to a service area, however, on the way we found a large amount of mushrooms growing and coexisting with this wild flower that usually grows a lot on these places.

F/1.8 | ISO/20 | EXP-1/552 seg | D.F - 28 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone X

F/1.8 | ISO/20 | EXP-1/623 seg | D.F - 43 mm | Camera - Apple - IPhone X

Lamenté no llevar la cámara, por lo que intente capturar los mejores ángulos posibles. Al inicio pensé en aplicarles algún estilo de edición, pero los colores me cautivaron y por esto las compartiré en su tono original. Buen domingo de aislamiento.

[En]I was sorry I didn't bring the camera, so I tried to capture the best possible angles. At first I thought about applying some editing style to them, but the colors captivated me and that's why I'll share them in their original tone. Have a good Sunday in isolation.

¡Quédate en Casa! - [En]Stay home!

Taken with an Apple Camera from an iPhone X. © All Rights Reserved
All photographs are my property, I like to share them as well as my experiences.
Coimbra, Portugal.



I appreciate your creativity, @sol25
@tipu curate

A huge hug from @amico! 🤗


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