Let's explore the digital painting #Ep12: "Our Origins"

in GEMS4 years ago


Hive everyone wish you a great Friday and weekend, the welcome to the 12th episode from "Let's explore the digital painting" a series i created to develop my skills and style more and to discover new stuff. Then today's painting has a meaning in the background of the what happend in Minneapolis, Ethnic wars cost us a lot in past everyone in this world don't want to back again to the dark ages where war were the only solution in our technological world now war destroying our huminty so we have to chose between living in peace together or die because of our hate and anger, in the end we are all the same just the way we talk, the way we think, our perspective what make diffrent our skin or our Ethnicity don't make a change that's what should everyone knows hate give a birth of hate, killing makes more like animal than human, human being is about loving each other, respecting each other, helping each other... nobody born with hate but they learn how to hate from their environment so make sure to spread the positivity, love and joy instead of hate and anger.

I called this painting "Our Origins" so that all the people could see clearly that we are the same in the end. Something else art is the best way to deliver these kind of messages so every artist can fight the hate, negativity and racism with art.

Painting process:

  • Project view:

For the first time i workonly with 3 layers one main layer, support layer and the background; i decided to draw the whole paintings in one layer because of i wantto deliver the message of the we are all the same even while im working on it in the project view.

  • Main layer:
    A lot of work has done on this layer mixing between African male and European male and in the middle a skill confirm that we are all the however our colour skin is.
  • Support layer:
    A layer i used always to fix the unfinished places of the artwork.

  • Main and support layers together:

  • The background:
    A special painting like this need a special background like this, simple and deep at the same time no need to talk about the choice of colours because it is Crystal clear the bloody effect doesn't mean something negative but it means melting and mixing each other.

  • Zoom in:
    Yay details, i like this part because it shows the magic of my artworks from a close range.







In the end all the images and art works in this post are my original work what not mine identified by it's original source if you like what i do and to support my artistic projects feel free to Upvote and reblog this post thanks.