IntroduceMySelf: About me / Sobre mí

in GEMS10 months ago (edited)

Les saluda Sound Sorceress, sean bienvenidos.

🎼 ✨

Greetings, Sound Sorceress welcomes you.


Conocí Hive gracias a Youtube y desde entonces me enamoré de esta comunidad. Me encanta la idea de una plataforma descentralizada donde los creadores puedan compartir su trabajo y ser recompensados por ello.

Les escribo desde Venezuela, soy una artista independiente, estudio música desde los 6 años y tengo 28. Ejecuto la flauta transversa principalmente, pero también otros instrumentos.
Me apasiona la música desde que tengo uso de razón, actualmente estoy aprendiendo producción musical.
“Sound Sorceress” (Hechizera del sonido) es un username que me identifica porque sugiere un enfoque mágico hacia la música y el sonido, y es exactamente lo que quiero transmitir, un impacto emocional y espiritual en mis oyentes.

Además de la música tengo otras pasiones, desde muy pequeña soy asidua a la literatura y a la escritura, a la poesía y al arte en general.


Es por eso que en mi blog encontrarán artículos relacionados a la música, reseñas, educación (tutoriales o clases), reseñas literarias, recomendaciones, análisis, poesías y escritos propios, y contenido de arte en general.

Por otro lado, en 3Speak estaré compartiendo mi música y algunas interpretaciones con mi instrumento.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leerme, espero seguir compartiendo mi contenido con ustedes. ¡Nos vemos en Hive!

Azul y Amarillo Moderno Casero Fiestas y Celebraciones Marco en X Banner.png

I discovered Hive thanks to YouTube and I fell in love with this community. I love the idea of a decentralized platform where creators can share their work and be rewarded.
I am writing to you from Venezuela. I am an independent artist and have been studying music since I was 6.
I am mainly a transverse flute player, but I also play other instruments. I have been passionate about music for as long as I can remember and I am currently learning music production. "Sound Sorceress" is a username that identifies me because it suggests a magical approach to music and sound, which is exactly what I want to convey: an emotional and spiritual impact on my listeners.

In addition to music, I have other passions. Since I was a child, I have been an avid reader and writer, interested in poetry and art in general.

That's why you will find articles related to music, reviews, education (tutorials or classes), literary reviews, recommendations, analysis, and general art-related content on my blog.

On the other hand, on 3Speak, I will share my music and some performances with my instrument.
Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I hope to continue sharing my content with you. See you on Hive! 💞


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Congratulations and welcome to Hive @soundsorceress!

I love your name! Can't wait to hear your enchanting music here on Hive. I would suggest to share in Sound Music and Q Inspired-by-Music. You can also check out our different Communities and see what interests you.

To help you on your journey here, you can read How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain or check out some resources in newbies-guide. Also, engaging with the community makes it much easier to build your network and gain support. And lastly, Plagiarism and any form of abuse is considered a serious offense. Navigating here on Hive can be somewhat tricky so make sure to check out the things mentioned above.

This is @indayclara from the @ocd team and we wish you all the best!

Thank you so much!

Welcome to hive blockchain a new world in web3 where your content has value ,There are some information that you need to know as you navigate this new world:

  • Exploring communities on hive Ours is @airhawk-project index for supporting authors and investment.
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    One important aspect to note is Hive is not like your conventional other social media platforms since your contents are monetized . You can't include content that you don't own without sources (plagiarism). For Guildlines, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.
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Happy blogging.

Bienvenida amiga a esta gran familia hive y te felicito por todos esos dones y virtudes que Dios te ha regalado, estaré al pendiente de todo ese aporte que nos compartiras. Dios te bendiga siempre 💖 🙏 🙌

Muchas gracias por leerme. Saludos : )