[ESP / ENG] Felíz San Valentín 😍❤️ | Happy Valentine's Day

in GEMS3 years ago


Hola a toda la comunidad hive, espero se encuentren super bien en casita❤. Primeramente quiero desearles un feliz San Valentín a esas personas que cuentan con esa persona especial, a esas que están rodeadas siempre del amor de su familia, a esas que cuentan con valiosos amigos y en general a esas que transmiten cada dia ese sentimiento tan importante en el ser humano "el amor".

Hello to all the hive community, I hope you are super well at casita❤. First of all I want to wish a happy Valentine's Day to those people who have that special person, to those who are always surrounded by the love of their family, to those who have valuable friends and in general to those who transmit every day that feeling so important in the human being "love".

Hoy aprovechando que se celebro el dia del amor y la amistad me pareció una excelente oportunidad para hablarles sobre una experiencia personal a cerca de este lindo dia, ya que siempre me ha gustado celebrarlo. Por lo general san Valentín es sinónimo de compartir unicamente en pareja, pero la realidad es que no es asi, para mi significa celebrar el amor en todos los aspectos y niveles, por esto recuerdo una anécdota de cuando estudiaba en el colegio donde durante varios años obsequié a mis compañero de salon un pequeño detalle de amistad.

Today, taking advantage of the celebration of the day of love and friendship, I thought it was an excellent opportunity to talk about a personal experience about this beautiful day, since I have always liked to celebrate it. Usually Valentine's Day is synonymous with sharing only as a couple, but the reality is that it is not so, for me it means to celebrate love in all aspects and levels, so I remember an anecdote from when I studied at school where for several years I gave my classmates a small gift of friendship.

Días antes de llegar este dia hablaba con mi mama para que me acompañara a comprar una bolsa de dulces mayormente chocolates, papel crepé y algún otro material. Lo que hacia era idear una bolsa de regalo hecha a mano utilizando estos materiales, agarraba de cuatro a cinco chocolates y los colocaba en dicha bolsita. Posteriormente inventaba una manera de adornar la parte exterior y culminaba colocando el nombre de la persona. Cuando llegaba el dia me dirigía a clases y llevaba en mi bolso de escuela dichos regalitos para entregarlos a mis compañeros, los cuales al principio se sorprendían del gesto.

Days before this day came I would talk to my mom to go with me to buy a bag of candy, mostly chocolates, crepe paper and some other material. What I would do was come up with a handmade gift bag using these materials, grab four to five chocolates and place them in the bag. I would then invent a way to decorate the outside and finish by placing the person's name on it. When the day came, I would go to class and carry these little gifts in my school bag to give them to my classmates, who at first were surprised by the gesture.

Siempre me ha gustado celebrar los momentos especiales incluso cuando no hay mucho presupuesto que digamos, ya que siento que es importante estos detalles en la vida de cada persona. Una persona por muy fría que sea necesita también saber que es querido y apreciado, por tanto, estos pequeños detalles en días especiales le hacen saber que existen personas que aprecian su compañía y que además disponen de su tiempo para poder dar ese detalle.

I have always liked to celebrate special moments even when there is not much budget to say, because I feel that it is important these details in the life of each person. A person, no matter how cold they are, also needs to know that they are loved and appreciated, therefore, these small details on special days let them know that there are people who appreciate their company and that they also have the time to give that detail.

Personalmente siento que este 14 de febrero será muy distinto a los años anteriores ya que hay muchas parejas distanciadas, hay muchas familias que acaban de perder a un ser querido entre muchas situaciones mas, sin embargo a ti que aun estas acompañado de los tuyos, de esas personas especiales que son parte de tu vida te invito que agradezcas, a que demuestres ese amor y a que aprecies aun mas.

Personally I feel that this February 14th will be very different from previous years since there are many couples who are separated, there are many families who have just lost a loved one among many other situations, however, I invite you who are still accompanied by your loved ones, by those special people who are part of your life, to thank them, to show that love and to appreciate even more.

Finalmente espero que hayan tenido un excelente dia y hayan compartido con personas especiales, solo queda invitarlos a que abracen mucho, expresen cada sentimiento y amen con mas intensidad. Cuídense mucho y les envío un gran abrazo!.

Finally I hope you have had a great day and have shared with special people, it only remains to invite you to hug a lot, express every feeling and love with more intensity. Take care of yourselves and I send you a big hug.


Sí te gusto, déjame tu opinión en los comentarios

If you liked it, leave me your opinion in the comments

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi Motorola e4 / The video was recorded with my Motorola e4

Traductor: @Deepl
Imágenes hechas por mí en canva / Images made by me in canva



¡Yo quiero mi chocolate! 😋