Sunday breakfast suggestion

in GEMS4 years ago


Hello my friends!

Everyone who knows me knows the importance I give to Sunday breakfast. As usual I woke up early today. My aim was to take a walk on the beach. But after yesterday's workout I have some pain in my muscles today. That's why I chose to watch some series before breakfast.

I guess there is no one who doesn't like the cheese and tomato duo. I baked great cheese breads in the oven.


•tomato paste
•olive oil


First, we put some tomato paste on the breads. We add a little black pepper to sweeten it.


Then we cut the cheese and tomatoes into small pieces.


Finally, we add the cheese and tomatoes on the bread. After thyme and olive oil are added, our breads are ready to be put into the oven.


Our fried bread is ready.


I also think I deserve some sweet today! 😊

I hope you like my recipe. The cheese and tomato duo really match. A great taste comes out especially when you flavor it with thyme. I recommend you try this recipe.

See you in the next post.


This looks really amazing. Nom nom nom :))

Thanks! 😊

Did I already tell you that I a coming over? :P

Hahha :D Already I am waiting! :p

Stop it! Now you've gone and made me hungry again!

These looks awesome and we do a similar thing but with different toppings. Same sort of thing though, and I think it works with all sorts of toppings. I've been known to have this as a late night snack. :)

Ahhh! Sorry!

I used to love late night snacks. But now I've closed myself completely! I gained weight it while my husband has not gained weight since we got married. This is unfair! Yesterday I gave myself some excuse. I ate a slice of this bread I made. I bought another slice of bread for jam and honey. Immmm and I ate peanut butter and tahini-molasses! :p I love making this kind of bread for breakfast. I try different recipes with different ingredients.

It's always good to have a bit of a snack, but if one is putting on weight...Hmm, maybe not so good. I'm sure you can have a treat now and then though. :)

Unfortunately I'm gaining weight! :( I'm in a process where I pay attention to my weight. A treat may be once a month! :p

WOW! Easy to make but looks yummyyyy!!!

Absolutely! I am glad you like it. Thank you! 😊