Added New Flowers to My Plant Collection 🌸🌺

in GEMS2 years ago


Today, there was a street market set up every Wednesday in our neighborhood. We usually procure our food needs from this local market. Apart from food, shoemakers, clothing sellers and flower sellers also come to this market every week to open stalls. There's a guy I always stop by and he has a huge plant stand. I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of her flowers. There are all kinds of plants on the counter. Every week I make sure to check in to see if different flowers have arrived. When I saw a few plants that I didn't have this week, I couldn't resist and bought them. Now I want to introduce you to my plants.





Tagetes Erecta; In our country, its name is known as Marigold Flower. I fell in love with its colors and appearance as soon as I saw it. I thought this would look nice on my window sill so I bought it. The seller brought it in two colors, Yellow and Orange. It was difficult to choose between the two and I said "why not buy two colors".





Petunia; Although I am a person who looks at many flowers and plants, I did not look at Petunia plants. I don't know the slightest about its maintenance, but I did some research on the internet. Even though I consult the internet on these issues, I can get a little confused because the same things are not said on every website. If you have this type of plant, you can tell me about its care in the comments section. When I researched it, it was stated that the soil should be constantly moist, so it should be watered regularly. We will try and see, I hope the plant will grow well with me. I bought two colors. I bought a red one for myself and a bicolor one for my mother.



Sedum Burrito; I hope I remember the name correctly, if it's wrong please correct me. As soon as I saw this plant, which I have been following for a long time and could not find anywhere, I immediately wanted to buy it. I have a weakness for hanging plants. Also, succulent species have always attracted my attention as they are very easy to care for. The seller said that this plant should be watered every 4 days in summer and every 10 days in winter. If you have a sedum plant and you have experience in maintaining it, I would be very happy if you could share it with me.



Ceropegia Woodii ; In my country, this plant is called "heart against heart" because of the shape of its leaves. It really looks like a heart shape and has a pretty sweet name. As I mentioned before, I have a weakness for hanging plants. One of the herbs that I've been waiting for a long time to come to the market was Ceropegia. Fortunately, after my insistence, the seller provided him and brought him to the market. Yes, I pressured him to bring this plant for a while :)



Lithops; This plant, which has become very popular recently, is called Stone Cactus because it resembles stone in my country. Its appearance and uniqueness were very influential in my purchase. Since it is a succulent type, I know that too much watering should not be done. It shows us this by shrinking when it needs water anyway. I read somewhere that it has an imitation feature. That's why it was written that we should fill the top of the pot where we planted the plant with stones. I'm considering applying this after planting Lithops. Let's see if it will imitate the stone over time.

I shared with you the new plants added to my family. If you have these plants in your home, I would be very happy if you could give me tips on their care. I love plants so much that I feel very happy because of these plants I added to my family. My only concern is not being able to find a place for my plants. The room I was sitting in slowly began to fill with plants. If it goes like this, I'll have a little botanical room. But I love them so much that I can't help myself to get them.



I just bought this cactus. If you remember, I shared the plants on my terrace with you in the past days. There is a picture of my cactus, but it hasn't bloomed yet. When I went out to the terrace today, I was incredibly happy when I saw the blooming flower on it. I had never had a cactus bloom before and this was a first. It has a very sweet flower. Since I want to share this happiness with you, I wanted to take a picture of it. It also has other flower shoots on it. I'm waiting for them to open the other days.

I end my post here. Take good care of yourself until we meet again.





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