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RE: 'Little Unkle' - stop motion character creation

in GEMSlast year (edited)

Your brother it is true prankster then @erh.germany! :D That's heavy, but I would say it is good approach. Creativity always go longer way than a tired, standard approach. Of course, it can be hit or miss, but it is worth to go out there form time to time:)

Yes, no work is a dream came true.

None is. But, if there is more 'good' moments it is desirable balance! Of course, it is up to us to have a point of view that works in favour our job or not. It is really rare that it is objectively good or bad. But if it is objectively bad - better to run for life, we have only one of those:)

Thanks for the pictures and the process of the art shown.

I actually discovered that documenting the process helps me to catch errors much easier. And I am quite inpatient person, so it actually helps me to get distance to what I am doing and give me time to think about what to do next. So I guess it benefits more me than the community :D

Thank you for popping by!


Yes, my brother is a rascal, he has so many stories that he could write a book. If you want, I'll pick out one in particular. It's hilarious!

But, if there is more 'good' moments it is desirable balance! Of course, it is up to us to have a point of view that works in favour our job or not. It is really rare that it is objectively good or bad. But if it is objectively bad - better to run for life, we have only one of those:)

Well said. Yes, the moments are what make a work special and you have to actively produce them. An objectively bad work, oh how true (!), you have to leave it like the devil is after your soul. I had this experience once.

I actually discovered that documenting the process helps me to catch errors much easier. And I am quite inpatient person, so it actually helps me to get distance to what I am doing and give me time to think about what to do next. So I guess it benefits more me than the community :D

It's a very interesting aspect and for the first time I documented my own work by video and I agree, it shows you from a completely different perspective how you work and also the mistakes you make. (Other forms of documentary, though, can be killing creativity because they eat up all the time and leave little for the process itself. We call it in Germany the "administrative waterhead".)

I think that's what resolves the contradiction that "you ought to do something for others before you do it for yourself". If I do something that benefits me and it turns out that I am able to share it, the order is not something that I would have thought about beforehand. You do some things simply because they make sense to you. If they happen to make sense to others, it's good for everyone. But if I go into life with the intention that others should come first and then I, there seems to be something wrong with that. HaHa! Because before you know it, you can quickly become a victim of your altruism and then it's no longer altruism. LOL :D ... In fact, it's better if these thoughts even don't cross ones mind.

Nice to have found you. It was a recommendation from dreemsteem.

I just love 'rascal' word, it is one of my favourite recently. I would love to read more anecdotes of this dude:)

You know, we only have this much time. And I am not saying I wasn't working in toxic, horrible environments too. I did, and it is sometimes hard to see that you are actually exploited, if you are getting 'beaten' and getting carrots right the way. Some people are just really good at controlling others, and we need time and some distance to recognize the pattern and let ourselves free. Not easy task:)

I kinda feel that stuff should came out organically - this way it is the most honest work, and more so - it will benefits you, and by extend - others too. If one is happy with what one is doing - he will share the knowledge with others, no problem. If stuff is forced ones feel quickly out of his depth, and getting frustrated, It is just never works:)

And what you've said about altruism - yeah, I know what what you're saying, learned that hard way unfortunately :D

Cool to get to know you a bit too, thank you @dreemsteem!