Feeding the stray kittens! 😸❤️ [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS2 years ago


Hola querida comunidad! Bienvenidos! || Hello dear community! Welcome!

Hola hivers! Espero que estén muy bien y que su día haya sido maravilloso, yo me encuentro feliz y algo preocupada al mismo tiempo, ya les contare por que, el día de hoy Chris y yo fuimos de compras pero al centro comercial que esta cerca de nuestro departamento así que fuimos caminando, siempre que salimos llevamos con nosotros gatarina por si nos topamos con algún gatito que necesite comer, cuando íbamos por la segunda cuadra vimos a dos gatitos salir de unos arbustos, luego fueron saliendo mas y mas gatos!

Hi hivers! I hope you are very well and that your day has been wonderful, I am happy and a little worried at the same time, I will tell you why, today Chris and I went shopping but to the mall that is near our apartment so we went walking, whenever we go out we take with us cat food in case we run into a kitten that needs to eat, when we were on the second block we saw two kittens out of some bushes, then more and more cats came out!






Le tome una foto al lugar de lejos para enviársela a las organizaciones protectoras de animales de la Isla, así mas personas sabrán que en este lugar hay gatitos que necesitan comida y hogar, nos acercamos poco a poco para no asustarlos y por suerte ellos nos recibieron con mucho cariño.

I took a picture of the place from afar to send it to the animal protection organizations of the island, so more people will know that in this place there are kittens that need food and a home, we approached little by little so as not to scare them and luckily they received us with much affection.





Alimentamos 10 gatitos callejeros, notamos que algunos aun estaban jovenes, mientras comían los observamos con detalle por si alguno necesitaba alguna ayuda medica pero todo estaban bien físicamente, excepto una gata que esta embarazada, a ella le tomamos una foto individual para que vengan a buscarla y le realicen una esterilización, así no habrán mas gatitos en la calle, es un trabajo duro pero si entre todos esterilizamos a los gatos los estamos ayudando a que no pasen hambre en las calles, después que comieron les dimos un poco mas ya que no sabíamos cuanto tiempo tenían sin comer algo, también les dimo un poco de afecto y amor, luego seguimos nuestro camino con mucha alegría por que estos angelitos tenían el estomago lleno de comida

Como ya les mencionamos nosotros alimentamos a 13 gatos que viven en la calle de nuestro departamento, estos serian 10 mas, las recompensas de este post serán para ellos, para alimentarlos y curarlos de sus heridas, por favor si te encuentras a gatitos en la calle dale algo de comer! es un gesto de mucho amor ya que no sabemos cuanta hambre pasan en la calle, seamos seres de luz para ellos!.

We fed 10 stray kittens, we noticed that some of them were still young, while they were eating we observed them in detail in case any of them needed some medical help but all of them were fine physically, except one cat that is pregnant, we took an individual picture of her so they can come to get her and sterilize her, this way there will be no more kittens in the street, it is a hard work but if we all together sterilize the cats we are helping them not to go hungry in the streets, after they ate we gave them a little more because we did not know how long they had without eating something, we also gave them a little affection and love, then we went on our way with much joy because these little angels had a stomach full of food.

As we already mentioned we feed 13 cats that live in the street of our apartment, these would be 10 more, the rewards of this post will be for them, to feed them and heal their wounds, please if you find kittens in the street give them something to eat! it is a gesture of love because we do not know how hungry they are in the street, let us be beings of light for them!.






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Imagenes tomadas por mi | Images taken by me



It's very noble what you do. Few people have the initiative to take cat food with them when they leave the house. But, you really did and I'm sure you've been doing it for a long time.

It would save them of course, even though they each had 9 lives. Your life will be in blessing because of their 9 lives.

Hii! thank you very much for this beautiful comment, if we give love, we will receive love, it is the law of life, all those who help the most helpless like these kittens will be blessed, thank you, you are right, few people do this, in fact my partner and I do it, he was the one who taught me to do this, he rescued animals and helped them, why not keep doing it, now there are more that we feed but we do it from the heart, I am with the ideal person! haha

I really like to see the cat's long tails like that, the cats have a very beautiful color when we see them

Hi, I also like to see their tails elongated and pointing upwards, it means that they are happy or content, I'm glad you liked these kittens haha.

Omg son muchos gatitos, yo adoro los gatitos tengo dos que adopte, gracias por ser tan buena persona y darles de comer 🥺

Holaa! Sii son demasiados, de hecho jamás había visto tantos gatos como aquí en la Isla, te consigues a grupos grandes y me da una cosita ☹️, me alegra que hayas adoptado a dos hermosuras!! A veces es bueno que tengan compañía en casita jaja, no hay de que! Ellos merecen amor y apoyo de nosotros no cuentan con nadie mas :(