in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Guys, it's something you need to see by all means!
This thing like a time machine can bring us to 70-80 years back! At that very time these soviet projectors were popular and widely used. Can you imagine that now we will see a real rarity!

Every Soviet family of that time had such a projector at home, and all Soviet kids enjoyed watching it.
So happy times! No Internet, very rare TVs or absence of them, and only books and such projectors...

Unfortunately, my own one was lost and broken, so I still remember it! It was bright pink! Nostalgia from my childhood....and I remember how parents and my brother turned it for me to show me a cartoon...

So if it's not mine, so whose?
I was very pleasantly surprised that nowadays there are so open and kind people who can do something just for nothing - not for money or gifts or benefits. For "Thanks!".

I saw an ad in the local public where a woman showed her projector and proposed anybody to take it for some days to have fun with kids and to feell nostalgia. Of course, I used that chance!

We brought many fruits to her family to say "thanks" for her generous heart. She was a mother of 3, and they were happy to get them, though she didn't ask for anything.

We took it to home for a week to show my son that cartoons can be different from those he watches in the Internet.

In the markets there are some projectors too now, but they all are so....nothing... don't know how to explain but they are much worse than these old Soviet projectors. They have a soul!




And fairytales.... They are so different! They aall have sense, morality and a life lesson. They all teach our kids some great and useful things!
Modern cartoons are different...






And the language! those films were written in the old variant of Russian, and many words were strange for my boy, but I read them like they were written. Then I explained what they meant, but I wanted him to listen to this difference.

Every our night is a travelling to the past where we watch old Soviet cartoons, and you can't imagine how much warmth and calmness enter our hearts at those moments...



we have a great box of different pictures with Soviet parks and museums and of course many different kids cartoons.
We create our own home cinema now;)





Such rarity things are invaluable!


Для меня самая замечательная часть в этом проекторе - его объектив))
Из такого я сделал объектив для моей камеры. Он, конечно, не для всех видов съёмки, но для некоторых вывертов просто замечателен))

правда? ничего себе, какая штука универсальная, и вы - мастер на все руки)

да, мастер...всё началось с того, что в детстве разобрал до винтика старый патефон... до сих пор жалко вещь )))

все мы родом из детства) поэтому я сейчас очень пристально наблюдаю за сыном, к чему потянется, чтобы это и развивать. мало, кому счастливится именно этим в жизни заниматься.

да, в детстве надо много чего перепробовать и переломать в том числе))
Правильный подход, пусть не будет основным занятием потом, но останется как хобби, а потом, а кто его знает ))

у меня был такой в детстве!! когда наша детка появилась, я попытался найти подобное б-у, но мне это не удалось. а пластиковые поделки уже покупать не хотелось. так и осталась моя беби в своем детстве без диафильмов....