Habits-Replacing bad with good.

in GEMS4 years ago


It is a thing to know that you are doing something wrong and you wish to change them and it is another thing to be doing something wrong and think it is good. I have lived with many people and I see lots of amazing and awkward attitudes.

Bad habit threatens your life and stops you from reaching a certain height. It tells you to do the wrong things and waste the precious moments of your life. You could have bad habits and you won’t know.

It depends on the category you fall in- do you do awful things and know that it is awful and keep doing it? Or you just live life and do bad things?

Something can be done, and you could pick up good habits. I may not have the 100% solution, but I will share something useful here that could help you build new good habits and ignore the old ones.



Most of the habits we picked are triggered by time. Some things are so inclined to a specific time. We wake up in the morning, brush up, bath, take breakfast and prepare for work. There are things we do often at almost the same time of the day and we may not notice. For instance, we take a break at a certain point daily to stroll out to get snacks or for smoking.

You need to manage your time and self experiment. No one can help you manage your time, you have to. You may not change your time, but you could replace the things you do at a particular time. You could say, every 2 pm that I used to stroll for street snacks, I will take a brief break to eat some veggies. You still have your time, but you changed the habit.


Your location and the things around you have effects on your habits. Have you ever enter your house in the night after work and sit directly on your game chair and pick up the gamepad to play. Playing games aren’t a bad habit here, but what would you do if you don’t have a game in your house?

It is easy to develop a new attitude in a new environment than staying at the same place to change things that you do. There was a point in my life that I engage in some shitty things because of the things I see around me. I tried to stop them, but it never worked until I left the environment. The places you stay already have attitude assigned on you (your office, house, neighbourhood, etc). To change your attitude in the same environment, you need to break the habits that are already assigned to your mind. Changing your environment would seem like you are starting new and it would be easy.


When something happens to us, we do something. We form many habits through response to events that happened in our life. For instance, for some people- after breakfast on Saturdays, they hit the street to hang out with some friends. It has become part of them; they form this group and work with time. This isn’t entirely a bad habit, but if it is not giving you anything useful, it is unnecessary. What you need to do here is to consider the outcome of these events and practise habit changes. This, you could say after my breakfast on Saturday, I will stay in the house to meditate and brainstorm for 30 minutes before going out.



This is one powerful factor that triggers bad habits and it is hard to control because it is more inclined to the mind. For instance, you may have the habit of breaking something when someone makes you angry. You do this out of your emotional state and face the consequences later. You may need to fight hard to overcome this. You need to hold your tension, pay attention and build a new habit out of anger. This will be gradual but would work. Instead of breaking something, you could roll 5 blankets on yourself and fight the emotion in it.



This is another important thing to lookout for. No matter how strong your mind is, you will practice some bad habits if you are around negative people. I have a sister that is chubby. She doesn’t like her shape and likes to look better and sexy. I am a person who exercises often and I engage her in a lot, but whenever I don’t call her, she won’t think of the exercise, but she hates her look. So, I called her a few days ago and told her “you would have problems if you change the people around you”.
I can’t remember the last time I used my money to buy alcohol, but I drink whenever I follow my friends out or I attend a party. I noticed this many years ago, and I stopped going out to their midst whenever they are drinking.

It is important you surround yourself with people that have the habits of the things you wish to follow.

All these points may not give you the absolute solution in changing bad habits with pleasant ones, but they will help you step ahead and become a better person.

Thank you!

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