Embracing the coop life: My journey into chicken keeping....

in GEMSlast month


Today, I'm excited to share with you a decision that has brought a newfound sense of joy and connection into my life: I've embarked on the adventure of keeping chickens. Mostly down to Mrs W giving me the green light, and finally caving in to me requests to become even more self sufficient. So as I reflect on the journey that led me to this decision, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the rewarding experiences that lay ahead.

The decision to keep chickens didn't come lightly. Like many significant choices in life, it required careful consideration of the pros and cons, as well as thorough planning to ensure the well-being of my feathered friends. So, let's delve into the reasons behind my choice and the steps I've taken to make it a reality.


To ensure the productivity and safety of my chickens, I've taken several proactive measures:

  • Secure Coop Design: I've invested time and resources into designing a predator-proof coop and run, complete with sturdy fencing, latches, and wire mesh to keep out unwanted visitors.
  • Quality Feed and Supplements: Providing a balanced diet is crucial for the health and productivity of my chickens. I've researched high-quality feeds and supplements to meet their nutritional needs and promote optimal egg production.
  • Routine Maintenance: Regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the coop, replenishing bedding, and inspecting for signs of illness or injury, are integral to ensuring the well-being of my flock.
  • Vigilance Against Pests: In addition to protecting my chickens from larger predators, I've implemented measures to deter smaller pests such as rodents and insects, including proper storage of feed and regular pest control measures.

Pros of Keeping Chickens:

Fresh Eggs: One of the most enticing benefits of keeping chickens is the promise of fresh, nutritious eggs right in my backyard. There's something incredibly satisfying about gathering eggs each morning, knowing that they come from happy, healthy hens.
Connection to Nature: In our fast-paced world, it's easy to feel disconnected from nature. Keeping chickens provides an opportunity to reconnect with the rhythms of the natural world, from observing their behavior to nurturing them through each stage of life.
Pest Control and Fertiliser: Chickens are natural foragers, eagerly gobbling up insects and pests that may plague the garden. Additionally, their manure can be composted to create nutrient-rich fertilizer for plants, promoting a more sustainable approach to gardening.

Cons of Keeping Chickens:

Predator Risk: One of the greatest challenges of keeping chickens is protecting them from predators such as foxes, cats, and birds of prey. Ensuring a secure coop and run is essential to safeguarding the flock from harm.
Time and Effort: Like any pet or livestock, chickens require daily care and attention. From feeding and watering to cleaning the coop and collecting eggs, keeping chickens is a commitment that requires dedication and responsibility.


The decision to keep chickens is one that brings both challenges and rewards. While there may be obstacles to overcome and lessons to learn along the way, the joy of caring for these feathered companions and the benefits they bring to my life far outweigh any difficulties. I look forward to sharing my experiences and insights as I continue on this cluck-worthy journey of chicken keeping.


Congrats on taking the leap into chickens. I have been seeing a lot of people lately going this route. I can't say that I blame them with all of the recalls and things like that going around.

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Seeing them reminds me of my childhood days, we used to buy them the same way and it's a good business.