Photography with a horse // Daily and Fresh 📷 (75/367) [ENG/ESP]

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

¡Hola comunidad Hive!

Hello Hive Community!

En mis momentos libres, suelo visitar muchos lugares naturales de mi cuidad, esta vez me dirigí a un campo lamado "Cariaco" la cual es la un bello lugar natural popular y visitado por muchos turistas.

In my free time, I usually visit many natural places in my city, this time I went to a field called "Cariaco" which is a beautiful natural place popular and visited by many tourists.


Hoy me fui de paseo con mi querido novio a disfrutar de la natuaraleza en un pueblo cercano, llamado Cariaco. Estos lugares es donde mas me gusta estar, porque me relaja y llena de muchas energías positivas.

Today I went for a walk with my dear boyfriend to enjoy the nature in a nearby town called Cariaco. These places are where I like to be, because it relaxes me and fills me with a lot of positive energy.



Al llegar a este lugar tan especial, encontré un caballo, estaba comiendo su pasto y estaba amarrado, así que me animé de tomar estas fotos, me encantan los caballos, aunque cuando trate de saludarlo se alejo. Por lo menos pude fotografiarlo, no supimos quien era su dueño, y nos gusto compartir unos minutos con este animal.

When I arrived at this special place, I found a horse, he was eating his grass and was tied up, so I decided to take these pictures, I love horses, although when I tried to greet him he moved away. At least I was able to photograph him, we didn't know who his owner was, and we enjoyed sharing a few minutes with this animal.



Me pareció gracioso que cuando tome una selfie con mi novio el caballo también poso a la cámara, lo que hizo de esta imagen original y divertida.

I found it funny that when I took a selfie with my boyfriend the horse also posed for the camera, which made this picture original and funny.


Esta es mi entrada en el reto del amigo @gamer00, que consiste en publicar una foto diaria comentar cómo fue realizada, también de expresar alguna historia o reseña sobre ella y usar las etiquetas #onephotoeveryday #dailyandfresh. Te invito a unirte.

This is my entry in the challenge of the friend @gamer00, which consists of publishing a daily photo commenting how it was made, also to express some story or review about it and use the tags #onephotoeveryday #dailyandfresh. I invite you to join.


Cámara: iphone
Ubicación: Venezuela, Cumaná, Sucre.
Autor: @wendyth16



You had a nice moment with your boyfriend and the horse too is very cool. Lovely photographs too.

Yes it is. With my boyfriend i spend the magic moment