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RE: IntroduceYourself: Hello everyone this is my blog. / Hola a todos este es mi blog. EN/ES

in GEMS4 years ago

Love to see more bilingual posts at Hive and you seem like a nice addition to the community. I've made a few Venezuelan friends here, so yeah we hear about the situation but it's always evolving.

I'm from north America but live in Japan now, feel free to ask anything about it. What's your favorite JRPG? I haven't played too many besides FF series. I am going to wait til I finish my novel to play any games but before the year is over I want to catch up on some games I missed these 10 years


Hi! I try to write as best as possible in English, I probably make some writing mistakes but I'm working on it!
I have a giant desire to go to Japan and know everything, for a couple of years I'm saving for it. my favorite, of course, is FFVII but, persona 5 is very good and Chrono cross. When you publish ur novel bro?