Day 26 Blog Challenge : Pet Peeves

in GEMS4 years ago

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Pet peeves in my own understanding are things you generally can't stand, they upset you and you can't help but express your displeasure. I notice that as I get older, my pet peeves seem to lessen. I used to be easily disgusted by a lot of random things people do but now I'm more tolerant.

It varies from the way people chew to the way they mistreat others. I hate loud chewing and talking with food in your mouth. If the food happens to land on my face from your mouth I could cry.

I also really dislike sweaty bodies next to me. I make sure to wear long sleeves most times when I know I'd be using public transport. I don't like touching random hands too. In church we're usually asked to hold a neighbor's hand and proclaim some words or say a prayer, I'm always disgusted by holding hands I don't know where must have been.

It's so hard telling people they have bad breath or body odour so I just avoid them totally. If I ever stopped talking to you, you probably know why now. Jk.

For most of my life I've had a room to myself so I know the placement of everything. It irks me a lot when I come back to my room and everything is not in place. I can tell when someone has been in my room no matter how much they think they put it back in order. I don't like anyone invading my space.

I don't like sharing spoons or drinking from the same cup. I hate it when people use my towels and even have the guts not to sundry it afterwards.

Older people have a way of talking down condescendingly on younger people, disregarding their opinions like they're not actual humans. It burns me! Whether I'm the one in that situation or it's someone else, it really burns me. I believe everyone should be respected despite their age.

I don't like closed minded people too, they always stick with their ideologies and are not progressive. I steer far away and never engage them.

That's as much as I can remember now. I'm excited about ending this challenge as I'm already looking forward to starting a new one @macchiata posted. If you haven't joined in it's not too late to.


Thanks for reading

P.s Is hive back to normal since the fork? 🤔

I need all the income I can get, check out my gig on fiverr. Please click the link even if you're not in need of the service. Thanks.


I believe no one in life appreciates to be looked down upon, regardless of the age and circumstances. It's good to be diplomatic when dealing with people in life bcos no one knows what the future holds for them tomorrow. In conclusion, one should just be good and learn to accept people the way they are and learn to discipline with love. Nice post and kudos @wolfofnostreet.

I'll lick all spoons in the house every morning.

You disgusting swine

I always walk around with gum and mints to give those who walk around with a bad smell hahahahaha

It bothers me too! When adults think they are absolutely right, ASHHHH

I know right!

I'll try that mint thing


mine is finished today and some of your pet peeves are mine too :D especially sharing spoons and cutlery, it's no-no

A complete no-no

I missed this post. The last one you mentioned about older people, I hate it so much. Also, I hate the sweaty body and mouth odour. It disgust me too.