Meet the New President of the USA

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


Crises reveal moral character and courage.

If Trump is judged by nothing else, his poor and dangerous handling of the global health crisis and now the nationwide protests (following the murder of George Floyd) show how deeply unfit he is to be president of the USA.


As America continues to burn, Trump is rage-tweeting from his bunker —- characteristically spreading misinformation while fanning the flames of hatred.



Meantime, the next president of the USA, Joe Biden, is on the ground, in the streets listening to people, visiting George Floyd protest sites in Delaware...

We are a nation in pain, but we must not allow this pain to destroy us. We are a nation enraged, but we cannot allow our rage to consume us. We are a nation exhausted, but we will not allow our exhaustion to defeat us, said Biden

And the people’s response that Biden met with?

You gotta get that crazy guy out of office, Biden. Save us, save us. Please, save us.



i don't care for Biden, but he probably gained 30 million votes after captain asshole locked himself in the cellar ... moron

Truth be told, I don't care for Biden, either... But, (human) Nature abhors a vacuum and someone had to step up and fill the void...


Politician politics.

They're all murderers.

Possibly, but some are better than others...